>5. Changed: Send to menu will move item in Playing Now instead of copying.
This works now. Thanks.
>1. Fixed: Append command with TREEPATH and device parameters did not work.
This works now. Thank you. But there are still some issues with shuffle. Here is what my early testing shows:
a) With Shuffle on, if I highlight a smartlist or playlist, right click Add to Playing Now, the list is added to Playing Now but it is not shuffled.
b) With Shuffle on, if I highlight a smartlist or playlist, right click Send To > Playing Now - Replace, the list is added to Playing Now and is shuffled.
c) With Shuffle on, mjextman.exe /Append "TREEPATH=Playlists\Mixes\listname" appends the list to Playing Now but it is not shuffled.
d) With Shuffle on, mjextman.exe /Play "TREEPATH=Playlists\Mixes\listname" hard-stops the currently playing song, then adds the list to Playing Now and it is shuffled.
I'd still like to be able to use mjextman to clear Playing Now of all songs except the one currently playing, or at least just clear Playing Now. I notice now that Playing Now, right click Clear Playing Now honors Settings, Options, Playback, Stop Fadeout (normal). I don't remember is that's new or not. If this will stay this way (and I agree that it should), could we please have an mjextman command to clear PN? With one that left the currently playing song, I would then use the Append option. If the whole list is cleared (and the currently playing song stopped), then I'd use the Play option.