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Author Topic: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here  (Read 3090 times)


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Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« on: July 12, 2009, 02:55:39 pm »

This is an early version of MC 14.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

14.0.29 (07/10/2009)

1. Fixed: When a menu drew scroll arrows, they could draw on top of menu text.
2. Fixed: On Windows 7 an iPod could show as two devices (may require a redetect of devices to fix).
3. Fixed: Improved handling of special / hidden zones like the zone used for image playback when audio is playing.
4. NEW: Added dialog for adding and editing Theater View Info Panel templates. (Options > Theater View)
5. Changed: Added 'Watched' information to default Theater View file info template for television programs.
6. Changed: Options dialog for CD/DVD changed to cleaner format.
7. Changed: If at the extremities of a list row the left and Right arrows will now jump to the next row.  (As appropriate.)
8. Changed: Escape now closes the image preview window.
9. NEW: Delete added to the image preview right click menu.

14.0.28 (07/09/2009)

1. Fixed: "Play local file when one that matches Library Server file is found" did not work for ripped DVDs.
2. Fixed: Selection panes were still visible on mouse over in the Image Preview.
3. NEW: Right click menu added to image preview.
4. Changed: Television configuration is broken up into several smaller tasks accessible on TV Options... button.
5. Changed: During Television recording, "Cancel Time-Shifting" context menu option is disabled.

14.0.27 (07/08/2009)

1. Fixed: When loading a library, if a message box was shown (to inform about read-only access, etc.) it could crash.
2. Fixed: Cover art wasn't being retrieved for DVD discs.
3. NEW: Added ListBuild(...) expression function for building a delimited list of values, possibly suppressing empty values.
4. NEW: Added TVInfo(...) expression function for getting television-specific information about TV programs.
5. Changed: Standardized on "Categories" naming for groupings in a library view. (previously also used panes and view scheme item)
6. Changed: Theater View file info fields are loaded from "theater view file info templates.xml" in the library folder. (user interface to allow editing to come in a later build)
7. Changed: Changed the sizing of the Theater View file info panel and News to be based on a number of lines instead of percentage of screen height.
8. Changed: EPG list in television view is automatically refreshed to current time every half an hour.  Automatic refreshing is turned off whenever the user manually chooses a date or time from the drop-down lists.  It is re-enabled whenever the user clicks the "Set To Now" button.
9. NEW: Viewheader for the image preview window updated to contain fit, 100% and close buttons.
10. Changed: Image preview window closes the selection panes when opened.  (Panes selections remain in effect.)
11. NEW: Close file list button on image preview window.
12. Changed: Most fields in My Movies xml files are supported if the user creates corresponding custom fields (for example, IMDB, ProductionYear).
13. Fixed: Abnormal termination on entering Image Preview.
14. Fixed: Corrupt MP3 ID3v2 tags that had a negative frame length could cause a crash.

14.0.26 (07/06/2009)

1. Changed: MC will remember user-set column widths of television guide list for current and future sessions.
2. Fixed: Sweden DVB-T frequency table was not complete.  Thank you Hans (paronsoda).
3. Fixed: The Media Center service would not show a company name in msconfig.exe.
4. Fixed: With Media Center running at Windows shutdown / logoff time, an error about starting JRService.exe could flash.
5. Changed: MJP files that installed skins to the old Theater View skin path "FullSkins" will be redirected to the new path. (please use the INSTALLSKIN command for future skin submissions)
6. Fixed: Using the keyboard to navigate up in a list wouldn't always scroll to show the first item once selected.
7. Fixed: Theater View keyboard could be disabled in the "Save As Playlist" popup.
8. Fixed: In advanced remote control commands that issued multiple commands in a row, some commands could get ignored.
9. Fixed (probably): During television time-shifting, buffering kicked in when user changed channel or when signal was weak.
10. Fixed: When showing the image preview window, the view header would get corrupted.
11. Optimized: The image preview window draws faster.

14.0.25 (07/02/2009)

1. NEW: A "Watched" column in "Recordings" list, in Television View, that indicates whether, or when, or how much you have watched the television recordings.
2. Fixed: Bug in the Image Preview mouse move code.
3. NEW: Histograms added to Image Preview.
4. Fixed: Fit and 100% buttons on Image Preview window would stay selected.

14.0.24 (07/01/2009)

1. Fixed: Theater View animated backgrounds were not drawing.
2. Changed: Adjusted how much Theater View lists fade when showing the overlay file info panel.
3. Fixed: In Theater View, adding a root category with a library item under it that had no children would not work logically.
4. Changed: Theater View message boxes respect checks of 'don't show again' from Standard View.
5. NEW: Added new option: Options > Tree & View > Thumbnails > Draw frames on image thumbnails.
6. NEW: Added new option: Options > Tree & View > Thumbnails > Create thumbnails for videos.
7. NEW: Library option to "Play local file if one that matches Library Server file is found".
8. Fixed: Fixed a few glitches with focus / navigation with the Theater View info panel.
9. Fixed: Some MCE remote buttons were not learning properly.
10. Changed: Added option on IR blast dialog to suppress system handling of App Commands while an IR blast was taking place.
11. NEW: Added Fit, 100% and close buttons to Image Preview window.
12. NEW: Added hide tree button to Image Preview window.
13. Fixed: Images now properly synchronized on mouse move.
14. Fixed: Shift inverts the "sync" checkbox state on mouse move and zoom.
15. NEW: Tooltips enabled for ImagePreview.  (Name, dimensions and zoom.)
16. NEW: Theater View info panel allows entering into large fields and scrolling them (like Theater View News).
17. Fixed: With the start menu on the right of the monitor and set to auto-hide, maximizing Media Center could interfere with the ability to show the bar.
18. Changed: Pan & Zoom is off by default for image slideshows.

14.0.23 (06/30/2009)

1. Fixed: With both MCE and HID remote plugins enabled, both would not work reliably.
2. Fixed: The Theater View option "Disable Windows Media Center" would not work in some cases.
3. Fixed: Theater View's file info panel could overlay a popup message asking for confirmation (like on delete of a television episode).
4. Fixed: The "Delete" button was not working in Zone Manager.
5. Fixed: Lineup style Theater View lists didn't fade nicely when zooming into the File Info panel.
6. Fixed: Pushing dialog buttons using the 'Enter' key could cause the button to execute twice in some places, leading to strange behavior.
7. Changed: Several changes in the remote control editing dialogs. Sorry - you'll need to redo any IR blast commands you've created in previous builds.
8. Fixed: Remote control learned codes were not taking effect until after restarting Media Center.
9. Changed: Streaming mkv files are loaded with "File Source (Netshow URL)" filter explicitly.
10. NEW: Multiple Image Previews with synchronized resizing.

14.0.22 (06/29/2009)

1. Changed: MC will remember currently selected program in television view's programs list.  When returning to the list after watching a recorded or live program the same program will remain selected (highlighted).
2. Fixed: IR learning wasn't working for HID keys.
3. Fixed: Adding a blast command used a generic name for the command rather than the user entered one.
4. NEW: IR learning / blasting using MCE receivers will work even with UAC enabled.
5. Fixed: Typed list / tree navigation would not scroll.
6. Changed: Image preview internals.

14.0.21 (06/26/2009)

1. Changed: Minor changes to the remote control dialogs.
2. NEW: Double Clicking the image preview will close it.
3. Fixed: flac files with "fla" extension could not be played.
4. NEW: Player installs "Media Center 14 Service" that runs only when the player is running to allow talking to hardware (for remotes, handhelds, etc.) when UAC is enabled.
5. Changed: Deleting television recording files is done in a safer way.
6. Fixed: Since build 16, television recording files recorded using prior builds could not be deleted cleanly from within MC.
7. NEW: Added support for MCE remote learning and blasting on Vista and Windows 7. (requires administrator priveleges for now -- this will change in a coming build)

14.0.19 (06/24/2009)

1. Changed: Sidecar files are moved when media files are moved.
2. Changed: Sidecar files are deleted when media files are deleted.
3. NEW: Clickable zoom/unzoom buttons added to thumbs to enable image preview window.
4. Fixed: Image preview window should only show for image views.
5. Changed: Image preview window is now just to the right of the tree.
6. Changed: Image preview window not on by default.
7. Changed: Image not shown in big tooltip if the image preview window is active.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2009, 07:42:33 pm »

Hi Jim,

did you saw my last post at about the GetActiveZone bug ?

  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2009, 10:54:23 pm »

4. NEW: Added dialog for adding and editing Theater View Info Panel templates. (Options > Theater View)

YES! Thank you.

...but none of the list fields configured are showing up in the Info Panel. :(


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Re: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2009, 11:01:53 pm »

Hi Jim,

did you saw my last post at about the GetActiveZone bug ?

Yes.  We recently changed so zones have both a unique ID and an index.  Most places in the program use the ID now, but I think automation, for compatibility, will need to use only the index.  We'll tighten this up in a coming build.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2009, 11:28:20 pm »

I'm having some problems with Library Server:

1. I'm not getting cover art on the MC client when playing without re-encoding. Actually, Playing Now does initially show the tiny thumbnails next to each track, but when I play the track the Track Info doesn't show the art, and it dissappears from the Playing Now once I try to play it.

Edit: The library server log has many lines like the following. All of my cover art is embedded in the files (mostly WMA) as well as in folder.jpg.
07/13/09 15:20:57 - Unable to serve cover art, file not found

2. If I do enable re-encoding then cover art seems better, but the track doesn't play. It gets into a weird state where the play button is rapidly toggling back and forth between play and pause.

Edit: Apparently this is related to LAME not being installed on the server side. When I got home a dialog was waiting for me.

3. None of the play stats were updated on my server. This used to work fine in MC 13.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2009, 09:30:32 am »

3. None of the play stats were updated on my server. This used to work fine in MC 13.

You need to use the "Sync Library..." command to send database updates back to the server.

This will be more automatic in the future.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2009, 03:27:00 pm »

I'm too have problems with Library Server sync: not all tags are synchronized. And problem with columns with smartlists groups not update after change tag on client machine..


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Re: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2009, 03:32:58 am »

was having nightmarish crash on import problems... finally figured it out.. :)

PSD photoshop files were causing it...! :) removed them from the folders and no more crashing on far/fingers crossed :)


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Re: Media Center 14.0.29 Preview -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2009, 10:13:18 am »

was having nightmarish crash on import problems... finally figured it out.. :)

PSD photoshop files were causing it...! :) removed them from the folders and no more crashing on far/fingers crossed :)

I'm hoping you can send us a copy of the file:

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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