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Author Topic: MC14 Library management & Importing  (Read 1706 times)


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MC14 Library management & Importing
« on: July 13, 2009, 08:44:55 am »

I have just purchased the upgrade to MC14, still the best out there, but there is a few wishes which would, in my eyes, make it even better.  Perhaps some other users would also like to see some of these changes added?

Wish 1
Won't it be simpler if the "Library Manager" and "Tools/Options/Library & Folders" (Ctrl+O) were combined to give you direct access to all properties & folders related to each library?  I was thinking, in the "Library Manager", perhaps have the library list on the left, and the properties on the right.  This will enable quick setup, maintenance & comparison between the different libraries without having to navigate the "File" & "Tools" pull-down menus all the time.  Also, you will be able to make changes to library settings without having to change to it first.  This new "Library Manager" could then also house all options to Import, Clear, Export to XML, Sync, Backup & Restore the libraries, and thereby reduce clutter in the pull-down menus.

Wish 2
In the "Library Manager", the description "Location" could be misleading for a new user.  After looking at the supplied examples, it could appear that this is where the media files are located instead of where the system setting files for the library is kept, resulting in a bit of a mess in the media folders.  Wish 1 would probably clear this up as well.

Wish 3
Would it perhaps be possible to have a combo box somewhere on the main screen to allow for a quick change of library, again, without having to navigate pull-down menus & sub-menus?

Wish 4
Finally, it would be nice if the "Media Import" wizard works along the following lines:
No wizard*, rather two separate options on the "Tools" menu with associated hot-keys for each:
(a) "Import a single folder";
(b) "Import defined folder(s)" (defined in "Library Manager", see Wish 1);
In the "Library Manager", the auto-import of these defined folders can be enabled or disabled for each library.
On my current setup, the "Media Import-->Auto-Import" directory list contain 24 folders, of which only one is relevant.  I would rather set this up in the "Library Manager" than dealing with a long list of folders here every time I want to do an import (see Wish 1).
I would imagine that most of us will set the folders up once, and then forget about it.

*Efficiency comparison:
Wizard:        Tools-->Import-->Import Selection-->Next-->[Some changes to settings perhaps]-->Finish (5 CLICKS+)

No Wizard a: Tools-->Import-->                                     [Some changes to settings perhaps]-->Start (3 CLICKS+)
No Wizard b: Tools-->Import-->                                                                                      -->Start (3 CLICKS)

Hot-Key a:    HotKey-->                                                [Some changes to settings perhaps]-->Start (2 CLICKS+)
Hot-Key b:    HotKey-->                                                                                                     Start (2 CLICKS)



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Re: MC14 Library management & Importing
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 10:02:46 am »

Thanks for the nice post.

I wonder if a 'Libraries' toolbar button, that worked a bit like the 'Favorites' or 'Zones' toolbar button would help you out?
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC14 Library management & Importing
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2009, 10:52:59 am »

Do you mean a toolbar button that would bring up a selection of the libraries, allowing you to change between libraries?  If so, then yes, it would work for me.  :)  Pulldown sub-menus just feel clumsy and slow.

I just thought I'd kick these ideas around and see what anybody's thoughts was on this. 

Any thoughts on the other items (1 & 4)?  I realise that a large percentage of less technical users need to be catered for, but perhaps a middle-ground could be found, such as Novice and Expert modes?


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Re: MC14 Library management & Importing
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2009, 12:47:28 pm »

In Media Center 14.0.31 (available in about a week):
NEW: Added the ability to add a "Library" toolbar button to the top or bottom toolbar to facilitate faster library switching.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MC14 Library management & Importing
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2009, 12:55:31 pm »

Thank you Matt, much appreciated!
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