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Author Topic: I said this when I upgraded last time  (Read 2526 times)


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I said this when I upgraded last time
« on: July 25, 2009, 03:20:45 am »

I said this when I upgraded last time, but as a long, long time user of Media Center and before it was Media Center, this is the only upgrade that I can think of that I always purchase sight unseen.  ;)

I know that it is always worth it, that the upgrade was done in the direction customer questions and recommendations and that it will continually improve as well as have bugs fixed immediately.

I guess I didn't get into some super duper upgrade deal, but No Problem At All.

The upgrade price is very reasonable, It is in dollars and not Euros :D, as is the trend with a lot of the software I use, due to the collapse of the dollar, the legacy left U.S. citizens by Ex-King Bush/Cheney  and their band of merry crooks and the bought and sold U.S. lawmakers. ;D

For those who think the $24.95 upgrade fee, that is used to pay for the hundreds of hours of work done currently and will be done in the future to continually improve MC14 in the future is not deserved, please create a similar product, then distribute, support and continually improve it. OH yes, start working and planning on MC15 while you are at it, as well. Let us see what that will do to you, your lifestyle, bank account and family.

Remember that MC14 has NO spyware or Adware in it, therefore there is no funding coming from other sources, which allows MC to be what it is.

Remember that Jim and company have a right to have a family, home, hopes and dreams like the rest of us and basically should be paid for their services, just like all of us want to.

Where else can one communicate directly to the developer ? And the developer, actually read and respond to the comments.

I hate to say it, with all of the oligopolies and monopolies killing off competition in the Technology market place, it is getting rare, when product creation and upgrades come from a true partnership of the customers and the manufacturer (software developers). It amazes me every day of what pouring 10s of millions into marketing, attorneys and political lobbyists seems to make millions of customers believe about anything then have their customers inconvenience themselves to adopt to whatever garbage is thrown at them.  I also don't see many $24.95 upgrade fees for those crappy products either, do you ?  :o

MC is the opposite. Like an oasis in the desert.

I come from the school of giving great customer support, as being the true difference between companies that stay in business and thrive and those who come and go, like the wind.

Thanks again for the great work and best of luck on version 14.

Jon T.



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Re: I said this when I upgraded last time
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2009, 06:53:53 am »

A deep and heartfelt "thanks".  Very kind of you to take the time.



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Re: I said this when I upgraded last time
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2009, 07:18:02 am »

well, before complaining about the money JR ask for MC:

1) if you've never done it yourself, ask someone who did write some code how easy it is to spend days\weeks to accomplish even the simpliest task

2) look around for prices of software and you'll find that, for what JR charge us, many companies will sell you a small MP3 whatever (e.g. tagging, ripping, etc.) utility software

3) try and ask for new features to be added to any other software from any other company and see what happens


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Re: I said this when I upgraded last time
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2009, 08:37:17 pm »

Here here,

Fantastic Product. I would be at a loss of what else to use.

I am by no means a computer expert, I have a home theatre and MC is such a good program.

I bought 13 not too long ago but I snapped up 14 at a good price.

Cheers to all who have a hand in the development.

PS, I would love some more visualisations like fireworks.

Intel Core i5-4590 CPU,  Haswell Gen2,  LGA1150, 3.3GHz 6 DDR3/ 2x PCIE3.0 x16 16gb Ram Windows 10 64 bit Asus Z97-DELUXE ATX Motherboard Nvidia GForce gtx1080 Receiver Onkyo TX-NR925 TV LG LF6300 55" smart TV


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Re: I said this when I upgraded last time
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2009, 01:04:13 am »

My thoughts were all sincere and they also came from understanding what it is like to create software and distribute it.

Mostly I have worked with larger (midsized or mainframe), systems.
after my team developed and distributed a PC application, fund raising/accounting software, tailored to our organization, that was my most humbling experience I have ever had in my IT life.  Heck, Microsoft, with unlimited resources, gets about a million volunteers (suckers), to pre-test their applications and still be usually about a year late, and have the version released totally filled with holes and needing new releases badly. My application went to about 400 offices, but I felt like I needed a Microsoft sized staff to handle them, as it was like a microcosm of what happens with large companies release PC software. What was so humbling for me, after being used to server based, midsized/mainframe apps, was that it seemed like most of the calls we received were not about the application at all, but about the configuration and state of the hardware of the local PCs.

That experience, which I will never forget for the rest of my life, gives me a true appreciation for your work. I am still amazed on how whenever there is a new version, it always is just a download, then a single click and I can't remember the last time there was a failure on an upgrade installation ?

I think for those in large, Corporate environments, know how cautious and conservative they are about installing any type of upgrade/enhancement/bug fix, because of how many times the install causes all sorts of problems. Heck, look at ATI.

Stability, simplicity and reliability is the most important feature of any software and those like you, who can manage that, is when software development becomes an art.

I thank you again.

By the way, for those reading this, I have sent a bunch of problems that I have had over the years, as Jim knows, so it is not like I know him or anything like that.


A deep and heartfelt "thanks".  Very kind of you to take the time.


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