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Author Topic: Unanswered Questions  (Read 1422 times)


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Unanswered Questions
« on: July 11, 2002, 08:55:56 am »

To paraphrase Peter Finch's classic line from "Network," "I'm hot as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore."  Louisville's long, hot summer scorches on.  So I'm heading up to spend the next few months in the comfort of civilized Canadian society, cool in every sense of the word.

But before I go, I want to answer a couple of questions that were asked in other threads.  Actually, I have answered them, but I don't think anyone ever read the replies.  I seem to be the official thread closer in this forum.  If I weren't such a dense egomaniac, I'd realize I'm boring everybody to death with my ramblings.

Anyway. . .

Someone asked (maybe Lucy) why English has no distinct second person plural pronoun.  The short answer is that we have several. They just aren't acknowleged by the grammarians among us.  Back in NYC environs, where I grew up, it was "youse."  Down here in my adopted Southland home, they use a plural for the singular, "Y'all."  So they redouble it for the plural, "All y'all."  Etc, etc., through dialects around the country.  Basically, speakers of a language work things out very efficiently over time, impeded not prevented, by grammarians.

Also, there were several questions raised about differences between perceived and actual danger in modern society.  At the end of the "Zevele, what do you see?" thread I posted a couple of links to articles by George Gerbner, who has spent most of a lifetime studying this question.

Have a nice, hot summer.  I expect version 9.0 to be available when I get back in the fall.


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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2002, 10:06:21 am »


Have a nice holiday!


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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2002, 11:08:45 am »

We-all bid you well amoung the shivering masses.

It's odd to drive North the Quebec from Maine.  As you progress out and away from I95 the roads become smaller, winding along the river. Signs warn of "Moose Crossing".  Cars dwindle to old pickups and scarry, looming, racing lumber trucks.  Houses and towns become smaller and raggier (My fav is Binham, with one gas station and a combo state liquor store Napa auto parts place.  "Heya Joe, gimme 2 sparkplugs for my chainsaw anda bottle a schnaps, ayup.")  The country side becomes steep, forrested and forbidding.  Scenes from Delivernce dance in your head.  The guys on the radio start speaking French or Country and Western.  You are definitly in the northern, uninhabited, inhospitable fronteer of this country.  And it goes on like that for a fair bit.  Then you cross in to Canada and sudenly find yourself in suburbia, complete with tract homes, minivans and big box retailers.


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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2002, 11:10:07 am »

Oh, yeah, and what does George Gerbner have to say?


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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2002, 01:17:06 pm »


First ,i was sure to had read on your profile that you are on the west coast......
Concerning your last post.I printed the links-i do not like to read long texts on a screen
I was thinking  about my answer
Cause i have to do it in english,i have to think about it first.

To make short ,some main ideas

If 'mono ethnic society ' is more safe,there is a price to pay.
Same kind of people,same surnames,same looks and a close 'mono etnic' culture.
We have the luck to have people from allmost all the word coming here
-like me-.But it is still  a 'mono ethnic' culture with different

Concerning the 2 links,there is an other side :how TV can make people feel unsafe.Not with movies,but with the news.The way they open news
the way they present things.
Opening evening news with robberies,assaults and all kind of stuff like it for few weeks in France is one of the raisons for the % Le Pen[far rigth] and ,as a result still one of the most stupid politic men
as president

To move far for more than few days or few weeks!It is what i did all my life
Not anymore now.My friend had a stroke 6 months ago and i would not anymore enjoy this freedom.
Not easy to deal with all the situation,but not to move really not easy

Anyway ,enjoy you trip.See you again here for the rains


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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2002, 04:55:45 pm »

sorry for your friend.

I'm grateful you didn't go when you said you were.  I wish you the best in Canada.  I have nice memories of this little place, beginning with Lake of the Woods (age 12) and ending (so far) with the MJ'ers like Lise and Claudio who live there.

Thanks especially for your beautiful conversation with Lucy.  There were a lot eyes and ears tuned in.

Jim Hillegass
JRiver Media Center / Media Jukebox

Harry The Hipster

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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2002, 04:56:33 am »

Way off topic Jim - "Lake of the Woods" is also a novel by Tim O'Brien (who wrote "The THings That They Carry"). One of the more moving and disturbing books I've ever read. Some images there that I can't get out of my mind.


(Not listening to anything on MJ because I've lost Internet access to my home computer.)


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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2002, 07:28:30 am »

Linguistic and dialectic distinctions branch much further than large geographic regions.  in Texas (my native Southland home, since abandoned for educational and career opportunities elsewhere) "Y'all" is only plural.  "You" is singular.  To confuse or reverse their use in conversation would draw contempt.

Of course, cowboy boots are dress shoes and I was taught about "The War of Northern Aggression" in high school; I would never maintain that such cultural differences are in any way superior, or even in any way make sense.

They're just there.


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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2002, 05:33:33 pm »

Welcome to Canada Tullio!

People like yourself are always welcome visitors :o)

I hope you enjoy your stay.


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RE:Unanswered Questions
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2002, 05:37:39 pm »


Drinking Some Molson Golden Right Now.
Retired Military, Airborne, Air Assault, And Flight Wings.
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