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Author Topic: syntax for checking several tag entry's at a time.  (Read 1815 times)


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syntax for checking several tag entry's at a time.
« on: July 25, 2009, 03:57:16 pm »

Slowly I have been working on figureing out how to setup my rules for organizing and taging my library.

my next question is how to check to see if several tags are not empty be for making any changes.

I think it's somthing like this
I have restructured the code to be a bit easyer to follow I hope. I could really use a hand here any expression guru's around ?

         ([genre],Audio Book,1)
            ,if(isempty [Author])
               ,,if(isempty [BookTitle])
                  ,,if(isempty [BookSeries])
                     ,,if(isempty [BookSeriesVolume])
                           ,,if(isempty[Disc# ),,this should begin the prosess of tagging and sorting the file from the above data)

Is my code correct ? is there an easyer way ? Can I have an expression be several in several parts so that it isnt such a Pain to try to make work ?

thank you all in advance for your help!!!


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Re: syntax for checking several tag entry's at a time.
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2009, 11:21:18 am »

One little trick is that you could use a single IsEmpty(...) like IsEmpty([Genre][Artist][Album]) since it'd only be empty if all three had no text.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: syntax for checking several tag entry's at a time.
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2009, 12:50:45 pm »

One little trick is that you could use a single IsEmpty(...) like IsEmpty([Genre][Artist][Album]) since it'd only be empty if all three had no text.

Thank you !! that does make a big diffrence!!

So I could do this

if(isequal([mediakind],audio),if(isequal([genre],Audio Book,1),if(isempty [Author][BookTitle][BookSeries][BookSeriesVolume][track#][disc#]),,start doing stuff)
in theory this will only do somthing if all the tested tag's have some data in them.

thx again for that tip!!


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Re: syntax for checking several tag entry's at a time.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 03:54:58 am »

is there an easyer way ? Can I have an expression be several in several parts so that it isnt such a Pain to try to make work ?

thank you all in advance for your help!!!

You could achieve the same with a simple smartlist which has a simpler syntax and a wizard.

[mediakind] = [audio] [genre] = [Audio Book] ([Author]=[] or [BookTitle]=[] or [BookSeries] =[] or [BookSeriesVolume]=[] or [track#]=[] or [Disc# ]=[])

What this does is first select only audiobooks then checks if any of the subsequent fields are empty and gives a list of files which match. If you include the fields mentioned (in the smartlist) as columns in the files list view  then you will automatically see the null fields.

In general, if you only want to display a subset based on some criteria go with smartlists. You could have this display as just a list of files or in a view scheme with panes.

Use Expressions if you want to modify display (based on criteria) in a column
- format text in a special way
- any text manipulations, substitutions etc
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