hi, curious if its been talked about or if it would be possible to make our libraries have passwords? similiar to windows logins? with choice of passwords or not, and admin control.
especially for us with families\kids, friends neighbors coming over using jriver.
Meaning we could have a family library And personal libraries, but to get to them or use them one would goto file, library chose the library they want and jriver would popup a password dialog in order to get to that library.
benefits? smarter playlists\smartlist, safety of personal libraries getting messed with or changed, To hide PERSONAL FILES, Pictures, rated pg, pg 13, R films, mature art, books, etc... personal libraries been able to be made to there own liking and there own tagging preferences. etc..
and for those who wouldnt want the password they would be able to choose to have a password for there library or not from an option choice in library manager by the administrator of the jriver.
this would be a great feature for my Ver. 14 wishlist\upgrade

thoughts, ideas, possibilty, in the works?