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Author Topic: PVD Plug in troubles  (Read 7272 times)


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PVD Plug in troubles
« on: August 20, 2009, 09:34:11 pm »


I hope I can get some help here I have been around and around.
I have installed PVD stand alone and imported my movie and retreived covers etc.

I now have the plugin in MC but when I test a file I get MC cannot find the file.

This looks like a great addition to MC and I am keen to get the information re covers and info on movies into MC.
My files are mainly avi.

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2009, 01:50:42 am »

*Exactly* what is the message you get?

Here's something i wrote previously in some other thread:

In general PvdImport uses the [Filename] tag to look up the files in PVD. [Filename] must be *exactly* equal to one of the files listed in PVD. There is one exception here, and that exception is wrt. DVDs. I'll elaborate further down. You can find the list of filenames per movie in the lowermost pane on the right in PVD, "File Path:". When a movie consists of several files, each fie is separated by the pipe symbol, |

For DVDs, PVD stores the VIDEO_TS.IFO name with the full path. However, in MC the corresponding [Filename] tag has the name VIDEO_TS.DVD;1 with the full path.


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2009, 02:04:49 am »


The message is Could not find file in MC exiting

You say that You can find the list of filenames per movie in the lowermost pane on the right in PVD.

Is this in Media Centre or the actial PVD program?

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2009, 03:57:53 am »

Is this in Media Centre or the actial PVD program?

In the actual PVD program.

But if PvdImport reports "Could not find file in MC exiting..." that means that PvdImport cannot find the file in MC's database. Did you import the file in MC, I.e. can you see/play the video file from within MC?


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2009, 05:46:20 am »


They play from both MC and PVD.

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2009, 06:13:25 am »

They play from both MC and PVD.
Did you try many files in MC? How did you attempt to import, was it via the test setup in the plugin, or via "Send to..." ?


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2009, 05:43:32 pm »

I tried one and many in MC? I attempted to import  via the test setup in the plugin

Also tried send to in MC
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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2009, 03:47:45 am »

I tried one and many in MC? I attempted to import  via the test setup in the plugin

Right click the file in *Windows Explorer*, and select Media Center\Import. Can you write up exactly what the dialog that pops up in MC says?

Select the file in MC, and in the action window, select Tag and then find the [Filename] tag. Can you write that up exactly what this tag contains? Letter by letter.

Then right click the file and select PvdImport from the send to external menu.

In the PvdImport log window, write up the contents, It should say something like Processing... C:\temp\Dr. Strangelove.iso Success...

It's important that you write up everything exactly as it says, otherwise I cannot help you :)


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2009, 04:50:45 am »


Sorry but can you be a bit more specific you say right click the file in *Windows Explorer*do you mean the actual movie file from  the hard drive?? If so then there is no Media Centre \Import

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2009, 05:23:46 am »


Sorry but can you be a bit more specific you say right click the file in *Windows Explorer*do you mean the actual movie file from  the hard drive?? If so then there is no Media Centre \Import


Yes, that's what I mean.

Is shell integration enabled on the PV where MC is installed? tools\options\shell options\enable . Enable shell integration and try again.


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2009, 05:35:47 am »

I have enbled the shell intigration and I have navigated to a file on the hard drive right click Media centre import.

Library now has 17502 files. Search and update took 0:01.

Imported 0 new files.
Updated 1 file that had external changes.

I cant see any changes in the file.
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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2009, 05:57:54 am »

Ok, so then, can you please proceed with the most recent "list" of things to do that I proposed?


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2009, 06:06:10 pm »

Hi Maid...

Before doing anything - run these two things to make sure you're not dealing with moved files or changed filenames (making a back-up of both libraries first is probably a good idea). Run MC's auto-import (Tools > Import). Then run PVD's Scan folders for new movies/changed paths.

What Raldo is asking you to do is making sure the files you're trying to important information from are actually imported into the MC database. If you click on the 'Video' entry in the MC tree, can you find your movie files in there? If yes, then your files are imported into the MC database.

If not, and you're having troubles with shell integration that raldo suggested, go to Tools > Options > General  and tick "Automatically Import Files when Played"
Then play one of your movie files in MC (eg drag the actual movie file from explorer into a playlist and play it)...

Once you're sure the files are actually present in the MC database (and it looks like that's the case from your last post), you need to make sure your files are assigned to the movie entries in PVD, and that the directory/filename is the same in both programs. Have a look in "File Path" in the bottom panel for one of your movies and compare it to the Filename field in MC (use Tag in the Action Window).

Then you need to check your PVDImport plugin is set up okay - go to it in MC (Services & Plugins) and make sure you have selected the PVD database you are actually using (under PVD DB). If you're not sure, go back to PVD, and save your database to a place you can easily remember, then select that from the PVDImport plugin in MC.

To be safe, close PVD before running the plugin. Then, from the plugin, set a test file ("Set") that you are *positive* is in both the MC and PVD database and hit "Test"

Another question - are both MC and PVD on the same computer (you mentioned you're on a network)?


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2009, 07:45:28 pm »

Hello Raldo

PVD databse and Mc library are on the same HD. All my files are imported into MC Ive been using MC for about a year now.

In PVD I cannot see the filenames down the bottom as you suggest.

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #14 on: August 22, 2009, 09:07:27 pm »

In PVD I cannot see the filenames down the bottom as you suggest.

Then that sounds like the issue then. You have movie entries in PVD, but have not assigned files to them. So there is no way for the plugin to match your files in MC to the PVD database.

In PVD, run Tools > Scan folders for movies/changed file paths to import the movie files into the program. Hopefully your filenames will provide enough information to match up with the entries you already have in the database.

Good luck!


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2009, 12:20:58 am »

I have run the suggested Scan folders for movies/changed file paths to import the movie files into the program, but alas I still do not see any file information in PVD.
I can play the file from there.

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #16 on: August 24, 2009, 01:34:41 am »

I have run the suggested Scan folders for movies/changed file paths to import the movie files into the program, but alas I still do not see any file information in PVD.

Is it possible you are experiencing the same issue as pwantzel, reported here?


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2009, 01:43:47 am »

That is the exact problem.

Found the skin but thats what I have already.

Maybe if I try an older version?

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2009, 04:29:15 am »

Check that topic again. I believe raldo has solved the mystery.


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #19 on: August 24, 2009, 04:37:40 am »

Yes me too I can now see the file path.

I have \\Htpc\V:\Movies\    in MC and this
\\Htpc\V\Movies\  in PVD

How do I change the filepath Globally to include the colon?

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #20 on: August 24, 2009, 05:19:18 am »

I replied to a similar question in another post:

I just tested this at home: I shared the folder c:\test\movies and named the share "Movies". In MC i imported a single folder (tools\import\"import single folder") and entered \\Dionysus\Movies as the import folder. Dionysus is my computer's name. After the import, the [Filename] of "Cold Souls.avi" was "\\Dionysus\Movies\Cold Souls.avi"

Similarly, in PVD I i selected tools\"Scan folders ..." and selected \\Dionysus\Movies by navigating to the share in my local network, *not* the local file system! The file imported into PVD with the same filename as in MC.

So, I think the essence in the post I'm referring to, is that you shouldn't point to your files in your local file system, but rather point to the share on your local network.

Also, don't share the drive if your media files are located on a drive! Rather, share a folder on that drive!


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2009, 01:08:40 am »

Hello Raldo,

This now works brilliantly.

Do you have any idea why if you let the actors field fill in it upsets the genre search/Listing.

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2009, 01:19:23 am »

This now works brilliantly.

Great! Thanks for testing network sharing, btw. The experience from this session (and pwantzel's session) has been entered into the FAQ!

Do you have any idea why if you let the actors field fill in it upsets the genre search/Listing.

It shouldn't. It doesn't on my system. Maybe there is some dependency to actors in your view scheme? Edit your view scheme, look at the items listed. Also, in the same dialog, look at the advanced\filtering (something) section. Does that section "mention" actor or genre?

If you cannot figure this out, I suggest you post a question on the MC14 forum; I doubt that this has anything to do with PvdImport...



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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2009, 03:18:51 am »


I have now got all my data ready but when I use PVDimport as soon as it reaches a title with The at the start it crashes.

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2009, 02:01:04 pm »


I have now got all my data ready but when I use PVDimport as soon as it reaches a title with The at the start it crashes.


Does it crash on this particular file when you "Send To" PvdImport for this particular file?

Also, unfortunately, one cannot use "Send To" PvdImport with a lot of files (more than 50). Use the mass import functionality for many files...

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2009, 02:22:54 pm »

I have now got all my data ready but when I use PVDimport as soon as it reaches a title with The at the start it crashes.

I'm unable to reproduce this error. It doesn't happen, regardless of whether the file is named with or without a prefix, how prefixes are handled in either program, or how PvdImport is invoked (search expression or Send To).

Does it happen when "The" is removed from the title in PVD? Does it happen with all titles beginning with "The"?

As raldo says, processing too many files using Send To will cause a crash—but I've mentioned this before.


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2009, 05:15:02 pm »


I am using mass import not send to.

I tried removing The from the title in PVD Database but when I use PVDimport again it can still see the file with the on it.

I have also tried removing the files altogether with The in the title but PVDimport still sees all the files.

How do I stop this??

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2009, 07:08:18 pm »

I tried removing The from the title in PVD Database but when I use PVDimport again it can still see the file with the on it.

That's not what I asked. You said MC was crashing. Does it crash when PvdImport is processing the same movie with "The" removed from the title field in PVD? Does it happen with any file with a title beginning with "The"? Your latest post suggests there is no crash happening.

I have also tried removing the files altogether with The in the title but PVDimport still sees all the files.

What exactly do you mean by "removing the files"? Remove the records from PVD? Unless you deleted the files from your file system, this would have no effect on the records in MC. PvdImport, however, would do nothing—as there are no longer any matching records in PVD.


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2009, 07:11:36 pm »


So to test this I have to actually delete the file from my Hard drive??

Then doesnt PVD still look for that file.

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2009, 07:20:40 pm »

Please read my previous post more carefully. I asked what you "removed" and why. There is no reason to be removing or deleting anything. I would also like to know if MC is crashing, or if this is a red herring.


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #30 on: August 31, 2009, 07:30:28 pm »

Sorry bout that.

I tried to remove THE from the file name in PVD Database.

Then I went to MC PVDimport and pressed start.

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2009, 07:41:44 pm »

If you change the file name in PVD, PvdImport will no longer be able to match that record to the file in MC, and nothing will be updated.

Is MC crashing when PvdImport processes these (or any) files?



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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2009, 07:48:37 pm »


Well the third one it checks begins with The and thats the end of the story.

How can I fix this?

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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2009, 08:12:55 pm »

How can I fix this?

Without more information about what's happening, I have no idea.

...thats the end of the story.

What do you mean—MC crashes? What exactly happens? Freeze? Shut-down? Are there any error messages? Can you capture the event in a log?

What happens if you select only the file in question and invoke PvdImport using Send To? What happens if you do the same thing with another file that begins with "The." If nothing happens, are the filenames exactly the same in MC and PVD?


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2009, 08:28:48 pm »


MC shuts down Media Center has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.also Dr Watson shows up.
How do I capture in a log?
How do I invoke PvdImport using Send To?
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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #35 on: August 31, 2009, 09:09:55 pm »

How do I capture in a log?

See Help - Logging...

How do I invoke PvdImport using Send To?

From the manual...

4.2 PvdImport from the MC tree

o Select one or several files (Currently, about 50 files is the maximum you can update in one batch)
o Right click and navigate to "Send to external" in the context menu
o PvdImport should already be an entry in this menu.
o After you have selected "PvdImport", the fields of your selected files should be populated with data.


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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2009, 01:47:48 am »

well i dont know what happened but I did the import via MC send to and that worked fine.

Went back to PVD clicked on start and it worked??

Thanks for all the help guys
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Re: PVD Plug in troubles
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2009, 02:01:37 am »

Thanks for all the help guys

Thanks for your patience.

And thanks Rick for your help.
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