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Author Topic: PvdImport status and FAQ  (Read 6913 times)


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PvdImport status and FAQ
« on: August 24, 2009, 09:39:46 am »

1. About PvdImport

Personal Video Database (PVD) is a program which pulls metadata and posters for movies and TV shows from online sources (imdb, amg and others) -

PvdImport helps in getting data from the PVD database into MC, allowing us to match PVD fields with fields in MC.

2. Acknowledgements

Thanks to, Darichman and )p( for helping me test PvdImport and for providing very useful suggestions indeed.

3. Installation and Requirements

o Install the plugin msi from here. On Vista/Win7, you probably should run the installer as Administrator.
o Install firebird 2.1.2 server with default settings from here. You need to install the version with description "Windows executable installer for full Classic or Superserver, recommended for first-time users"
o Install PVD from here

3.1 PVD setup

o from the file menu, select connect to server
o enter the path to your PVD database file (usually under C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\My Documents\Personal Video Database)

Notes on DVD handling: DVD files (.ifo, .vob, etc.) are have [Filename] that ends with .dvd;1 internally in MC. The corresponding filename in PVD must end with .ifo for PvdImport to work.  

3.2 PvdImport setup

o In Media Center, goto "Services & plugins" and select PvdImport
o The lowermost area in the plugin window shows status texts
o You may need to set the folder of the PVD database
o Set your preferred cover art folder mode
o Set your cover art folder

4. Using PVD Import

There are basically three ways you can update fields: Test, from the MC tree using "Send To", and from the Plugin (mass import).

Typically, you would test the plugin the first time you use it to see if your setup is correct. Then, you would do a mass import. Later, you would do imports from the tree since there probably will be fewer files to import.

Please backup your database before you start testing!

The default Field Configuration file is a maximum version. User fields (I.e. the fields that *do not come as default with MC) contain dots (".") in the MC Field so that they are easily recognizable and won't be overwritten when JRiver adds new fields to MC.

4.1 PvdImport Test

o Press "set file" and select one of your video files that you know exists in the PVD database.
o Press "test" (Warning: pressing "Test will update your library too)
o The fields in the "SqlResult" should now be populated by data.

4.2 PvdImport from the MC tree

o Select one or several files (Currently, about 50 files is the maximum you can update in one batch)
o Right click and navigate to "Send to external" in the context menu
o PvdImport should already be an entry in this menu.
o After you have selected "PvdImport", the fields of your selected files should be populated with data.

4.3 Mass Import

o PvdImport uses an MC Search Expression to select the files that will be updated when you do a mass import.
o You can use search expressions to pick playlists, all video files, etc.
o You can make your own search expression using the wizard in the MC search field (upper right corner of mc).
o Afterwards, change to "Text" in the search context menu and you will see the expression
o Example: All video, tv, data : [Media Type]=[Data],[TV],[Video]
o Enter this search expression in the Edit box to the right of the Import button
o Press the import button and a progress bar + text will indicate progress.

5. Known Issues

o If you select too many files (in the hundreds) in "Send To...", the PvdImportContextMenu.exe applications may get confused. Select fewer (50, maybe)!

5. Version History

* 1.1.3
o Fixed crash: Missing PVD database file would crash MC .

* 1.1.2
o Fixed crash: Remove .tlb file, add interop.dll .

* 1.1.1
o PvdImport now also runs with MC14

* 1.1.0
o Cosmetic changes to SUM
o Minor changes in field configuration file


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2009, 09:41:41 am »


(Thanks to for cooperating on most of these answers)

Q: I've installed the required applications according to the instructions, what now?
Play around with Personal Video Database, test PvdImport according to the manual (see above).

For questions directly related to Personal Video database, you can post in the PVD forums.

A possible workflow for PVD would be:
(i) in PVD: tools\preferences , select "use silent mode for all plugins"

(ii) then, tools\"scan folders for new movies [...]" . In the dialog which then pops up, select the topmost folder(s) of your media collection(s)

PVD should now start searching through those folders. This probably will take a long time if you have many movies.

Afterwards, you'll have to quality control the silence option in (i) by checking your movies...

Q: How can I see if Firebird server is running properly?
In taskmanager under processes, check if fbguard.exe and fbserver.exe are running. That's a place to start.

For some OSes (Vista, Win7?) these do not appear in processes, they appear as running in the "services" tab

In general, you must get PVD and the server up and running for the PvdImport plugin to work...

Q: Where's the PVD database located?
The database is named movies.pvd by default and is located under C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\My Documents\Personal Video Database.

Q: PVD doesn't accept my .avi, .mkv, or ABC files? Why?
PVD "accepts" any file type. It doesn't play the files, so it really doesn't care what file type is associated with a record. The file scanner, however, needs to be restricted to valid video files. The list of permitted file types is maintained at Preferences\File Scanner\File Types. The default includes AVI, MKV and most other common video file types. ABC, however, would have to be added to the list.

Q: What's the best way of handling files that are spread over several network drives
What follows is just a suggestion on how to organize and map your media if your files are spread over several network drives. One positive aspect with this method is that you effectively isolate the network drive assignments from the path stored in MC and PVD.

(i) Share your media folder on your LAN. The Music folder can be accessed from both PCs via \\[Computer Name]\[Share Name]
(ii) In PVD, rescan with \\[Computer Name]\[Share Name] as base address.
(iii) In MC, move files to \\[Computer Name]\[Share Name] .
(iv) Put the MC database in the shared folder. Access it from the HTPC as read only. Access it from the office PC as usual.

I just tested this at home: I shared the folder c:\test\movies and named the share "Movies". In MC i imported a single folder (tools\import\"import single folder") and entered \\Dionysus\Movies as the import folder. Dionysus is my computer's name. After the import, the [Filename] of "Dr. Strangelove" was "\\Dionysus\Movies\Dr. Strangelove.iso"

Similarly, in PVD I i selected tools\"Scan folders ..." and selected \\Dionysus\Movies by navigating to the share in my local network, *not* the local file system! The file imported into PVD with the same filename as in MC.

Don't share the drive if your media files are located on a drive! Rather, share a folder on that drive!

Q: The plugin doesn't work, what do I do?
The log view in the PvdImport page (Services&Plugins\PvdImport) which is located in the bottom of the page reports various errors and statuses.

In general PvdImport uses the [Filename] tag to look up the files in PVD. [Filename] must be *exactly* equal to one of the files listed in PVD. There is one exception here, and that exception is wrt. DVDs. I'll elaborate further down. You can find the list of filenames per movie in the lowermost pane on the right in PVD, "File Path:". When a movie consists of several files, each fie is separated by the pipe symbol, |

For DVDs, PVD stores the VIDEO_TS.IFO name with the full path. However, in MC the corresponding [Filename] tag has the name VIDEO_TS.DVD;1 with the full path.

[A couple of users have reported that the "File path" item doesn't show in PVD. If it doesn't show, please check that "File Path" is selected in the PVD menu "tools\preferences\movies\visible items"?]

Q: The PvdImport log reports "Could not find the file in MC. Exiting...", why?
Your file probably hasn't been imported into the MC database. Is it in the MC Autoimport path?

Q: The PvdImport Plugin reports "Could not find the file in PVD", why?
Your file probably hasn't been imported in the PVD database. You should check if the file is within PVD's scan path.

Q: I've used Application XYZ, can I use the PvdImport plugin?
PvdImport is exclusively written for interfacing to Personal Video Database. However:

There's a plugin for Ant Movie Catalog and a program for All My Movies. The most flexible and common technique is that discussed in the Movie Collector topic in the PVD forums That's using Excel (or equivalent) to prepare data exported from the other application, and then importing that into PVD. Most applications offer some means of exporting data to XLS or CSV format. Those that don't will still likely output some kind of report that can be used for the same purpose. So I think it's fair to say just about anything can be imported into PVD.

It's helpful to consider all that might be needed is identification of the movie (title and year) plus any user information associated with each movie (date acquired, viewed, rating, comments, etc). Even if it already exists in the other application, PVD can download all the other information. Doing this will ensure it's consistent and up-to-date.

Images can't be transferred via Excel. PVD can find and download posters, but this won't satisfy someone who has put a lot of effort into collecting quality posters. J ust migrated from Movie Collector, how to transfer 1000 covers?describes how posters can be imported with the help of a special utility. Note that if posters are to be maintained in the PVD database (what most users should do), then this must be done at the time of conversion, not afterwards.



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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2009, 09:43:43 am »

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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2009, 05:06:25 pm »

I can't believe I'm the first to comment on this thread!  pvdimport is really superb.  I'm just getting to grips with it, but I was able to get all my films (OK so I only have 25 in the library at the moment..) with movie posters and full metadata in nearly no time.  Awesome!

Now I'm tackling my nearly 4000 TV episodes, which is going to take a bit longer :)  But things are going well.

OK, so on to a question.  I'm having a few issues getting IMDB Rating imported into MC.

  • Now, my original question to you was going to be:  how do I find details of the PVD schema so I can write the SQL necessary to get this data using pdimport?  I'm proficient with SQL and comfortable with databases, but I'e never used Firebird before.
  • However, I've now read the contents of the file PvdImportFieldConfig.xml and it seems it already contains definitions for every column in PVD?  Is that correct?
  • So, I did a Load of  PvdImportFieldConfig.xml and that gave me a whole bunch of extra columns listed in pvdimport.   (I'm now a little confused as to what the original pvdimport column list was and where this is saved - is  PvdImportFieldConfig.xml meant to be the running config or the master, template config?)
  • Having loaded that config, I now have an entry for IMDB Rating in the pvdimport config.   The McField was listed as ".Rating IMDb" so I created a MC Library Field called Rating IMDb (without the leading dot).
  • I set the MC "Rating IMDb" field to "Decimal".  
  • I then did a Test in pvdimport, and the IMDB rating came up in pvdimport  (After an initial period of confusion where I didn't realise having column I ticked = Ignore, not Include :)  Suggestion:  have ticked files included, not excluded.
  • IHowever, despite the successful test, the rating is not in the MC library.  I used the Tag view to look at the tags for the file I tested - and also ran Send To->pvdimport on another couple of files - but the Rating IMDb custom field is not changing.
  • I also tried setting the MC custom "Rating IMDb" field to Integer, and String types, but this didn't help

I am running version of PVD and 14.0.90 of MC.

Any suggestions on what might be wrong with the IMDB rating import?   Other columns are working fine in general, so it just seems to be an issue with IMDB Rating.  I wonder if it being a custom field is the difference as to why i'm having issues.

Oh finally, it would be really nice if in the pdimport table, the McField column can be made into a selector with a list of all library fields - that would just saves some typing and avoids the need to look anything up and the risk of typos.

By the way, do you have any thoughts of making PvdImport open source?  If it's written in C# I could contribute myself (I'm no great expert but I've done a small couple of C# projects before.)

Thanks in advance!


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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2009, 05:21:30 pm »

The McField was listed as ".Rating IMDb" so I created a MC Library Field called Rating IMDb (without the leading dot).

You can remove the dot or leave it or change the name to anything you like, but it must be exactly the same as field you create in MC.

A query has been provided for most of the standard fields in PVD. A sample query is provided for each of the custom field data types (otherwise, queries for custom fields are the same except for the custom field name).

PvdImportFieldConfig.xml is the source of the default queries. You can modify this (by editing the queries) or save a custom configuration by saving it with a different file name.


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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2009, 05:26:38 pm »

Hi Rick

You can remove the dot or leave it or change the name to anything you like, but it must be exactly the same as field you create in MC.

A query has been provided for most of the standard fields in PVD. A sample query is provided for each of the custom field data types (otherwise, queries for custom fields are the same except for the custom field name).

PvdImportFieldConfig.xml is the source of the default queries. You can modify this (by editing the queries) or save a custom configuration by saving it with a different file name.

Thanks for the quick reply!

I was just editing my post above because I made some progress - and now since you posted I've fixed it.

There were two issues:

1. I had the Ignore column ticked (I thought it stood for Include)  :)  Fixing this made Test work, however it still didn't update the MC library
2. In order to fix that, I had to remove the leading dot from the MCField name.  I thought I was meant to leave that in for custom fields, but as you say above the field name has to exactly match.

I found a weird bug:

If I click on the I tickbox for any row in the pvdimport window, all the rows below it disappear!    In order to change Ignore to 'false' for IMDB Rating, I had to manually edit the XML file and then Load.

Thanks for your help, and awesome work on the plugin.   And if you're interested in any help then I'd love to contritube if you want to release the source.

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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2009, 06:31:09 pm »

If I click on the I tickbox for any row in the pvdimport window, all the rows below it disappear!

I don't see this behaviour. Maybe it has something to do with how Show ignored fields (the checkbox beside "SUM") is set?

And if you're interested in any help then I'd love to contritube if you want to release the source.

Releasing the source would be up to the author—raldo. You could help by testing—see PvdImport Test log III.

I'm proficient with SQL and comfortable with databases, but I'e never used Firebird before.

I'm far from proficient or comfortable with SQL, but I contributed many of the queries included in the plugin. So you may be able to help with that as well. I have no idea whether it really matters (I believe they all work), but I'm sure some of them could be done in a more straightforward manner. I understand Firebird SQL is a little different than others. I had the advantage of knowing nothing about any flavour of SQL. ;)


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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2009, 08:10:22 am »

I can't believe I'm the first to comment on this thread!  pvdimport is really superb.


About making PvdImport open source: It's definitely an option, but I'd like to stabilize the current beta first (that's the thread Rick referred to further up).

The current solution of using fields mapped to SQL was chosen because it's the most flexible way of interacting with PVD. Most of the fields you see in the default configuration were actually not made by me at all. Rick and Darichman basically brainstormed and came up with a whole lot of new stuff, many fields which I don't even use. So It's flexible.

A dropdown on the MC field side is a good idea, btw. One issue with this is "how do you deal with an initial configuration where the user is supposed to create the fields?"

I added the dot before the field to indicate that the field is user generated.


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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2009, 08:38:08 am »


a tip if you'd like to know more about the DB structure, download Flyspeed SQL (for example) and connect!

You can also ask Nostra (the PVD Brain) if he'd help you out with specifics about certain fields.


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Re: PvdImport status and FAQ
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2009, 04:33:30 am »

oops, did not see this thread when I posted my THANKYOU in the other thread.

You have done a truely great thing with this plugin.

Thankyou from me  - and from all those who use this and have not replied.


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