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Author Topic: Smartlist based on [Last skipped]  (Read 1304 times)


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Smartlist based on [Last skipped]
« on: August 28, 2009, 02:52:21 am »

I'm trying to create a smartlist doing the following:
Include songs where [Last Skipped] > 15 days and [Last Skipped] < [Last Played].

Shouldn't be too hard, but I really can't get it to work. Any ideas? Can't you compare two dates like that?


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Re: Smartlist based on [Last skipped]
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2009, 04:51:20 am »

Can't you compare two dates like that?
I don't think you can, no.

I thought, should be easy enough to knock up an expression that turns the fields into numbers and then compares them numerically, but, whatever the following was doing, it didn't work, and I felt it ought to:
[=isequal((formatdate([last skipped,0],yyMMdd),formatdate([last played,0],yyMMdd),3)]=1
I expected that to return all files where last skipped was earlier than last played, but it returned all kinds, so not really sure what it was excluding nor why.

Next, I tried creating a couple of library fields using the two formatdate expressions above, one to turn the last skipped into numbers [ls] and another to turn last played into numbers [lp], and compare those. This appears to have worked, but all the "Never Skipped" files are really getting in the way, and are stubborn about leaving, I found another expression was the only way to shift them, and then finally, I added the "more than 15 days ago" rule, which I think returns the list you want:
[=isequal([ls],[lp],3)]=1 [=isequal([last skipped],never,7)]=0  [last skipped]=>15d

[last skipped] is more than 15 days ago, and is earlier than [last played] :)

lotta hoops to jump through though :-|
any other ideas gappie?


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Re: Smartlist based on [Last skipped]
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2009, 06:06:43 am »

not sure why your first solution does not work. but this seems to work
[Last Skipped]=>15d [=isequal([last played,0],[last skipped,0],3)]=1
i think the date conversion is not neccesary, [last played,0] gives a number that gets increased as time passes.
same for [last skipped,0]. hope i have it right. 8)

first i tried it using Math last played-last skipped. when under 0 it should give the files back. seemed to work also as long as the amount of files was not big. but it crashes whith a lot of files.



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Re: Smartlist based on [Last skipped]
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2009, 06:12:29 am »

sounds reasonable, good call on using the raw data too, as it's always so much better in a single string without having to create extra library fields.

I often crash when doing lots of maths too!!

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Re: Smartlist based on [Last skipped]
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2009, 05:15:25 am »

Thanks alot! Now my smartlists based on [last skipped] (most smartlists actually, it's annoying when you have new songs imported that you don't like and have to skip all the time) are more refined.

Could be cool to have better date functions...but I've asked for it so many times I don't bother anymore :)

Thanks again!

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