Can't you compare two dates like that?
I don't think you can, no.
I thought, should be easy enough to knock up an expression that turns the fields into numbers and then compares them numerically, but, whatever the following was doing, it didn't work, and I felt it ought to:
[=isequal((formatdate([last skipped,0],yyMMdd),formatdate([last played,0],yyMMdd),3)]=1
I expected that to return all files where last skipped was earlier than last played, but it returned all kinds, so not really sure what it was excluding nor why.
Next, I tried creating a couple of library fields using the two formatdate expressions above, one to turn the last skipped into numbers [ls] and another to turn last played into numbers [lp], and compare those. This appears to have worked, but all the "Never Skipped" files are really getting in the way, and are stubborn about leaving, I found another expression was the only way to shift them, and then finally, I added the "more than 15 days ago" rule, which
I think returns the list you want:
[=isequal([ls],[lp],3)]=1 [=isequal([last skipped],never,7)]=0 [last skipped]=>15d[last skipped] is more than 15 days ago, and is earlier than [last played]

lotta hoops to jump through though :-|
any other ideas gappie?