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Author Topic: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization  (Read 2655 times)


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"Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« on: September 13, 2009, 09:01:01 pm »

I have music files of the same album stored each directory.  Each directory contains one JPG file as the cover art of the album.  However, this JPG isn't exactly named in a way that resembles the music file names.  

Hence, without the same name, "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" feature fails to work.  Is there a way to make "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" use the first file in the directory of the album it finds as the cover art?  

I am really getting tired of manually Adding the cover art for each album just because of this small and simple incompatibility.  

(sorry for the cross post, I have license for both MC13 and 14.  While I have yet to update to MC14 until I find out how to migrate the settings cross, I'll seriously consider updating if the "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" feature in MC14 got designed to work better in this regard.)

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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2009, 01:33:41 am »

Name them "folder.jpg". Also, search for "cover art" in options to find relevant settings. Among others, you'll see the option to save cover art "In the same folder as the file (as folder.jpg)"—a logical compliment to this practise.


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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2009, 08:43:20 am »

Is there a problem with just naming the cover art image file with the same name as the Artist - Album? Quick Find will work fine then. I have followed others advice and also import the cover art images into MC. It then makes it easy to do the renames of them.


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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2009, 10:16:39 am »

I see your point, as in the common case, it should work efficiently.  However, I have hundreds of albums each with non-correspondingly named JPGs.  To manually rename these would be just as tedious as manually adding the cover art, hence defeating the purpose. 

Is there a way around this?  Perhaps a batch file renamer that supports transversing subfolders?


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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2009, 12:11:39 pm »

A manual run of 'Quick Find Cover Art' should use any image in the directory if there's only a single image file.  Of course, it only does this if it doesn't find the common names.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2009, 12:23:03 pm »

Yes you nailed it.  MC refuses to choose any file if there is more than 1 jpg in the folder.  In some folders I do have jpgs of the cd cover, back and cd itself.  So MC fails to choose anything.  I was hoping it could just choose the name lowest on the character order. like of a folder with 01.jpg and 02.jpg, MC would choose 01.jpg over 02.jpg


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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2009, 01:14:20 pm »

I see your point, as in the common case, it should work efficiently.  However, I have hundreds of albums each with non-correspondingly named JPGs.  To manually rename these would be just as tedious as manually adding the cover art, hence defeating the purpose. 

Is there a way around this?  Perhaps a batch file renamer that supports transversing subfolders?

Can you can use import in MC to import all .jpgs in your "root" music folder (e.g. my setup is E:\Music\) and all subfolders?  Once imported, you can utilize the sort/filter functionality of MC to display only the jpg's you'd like to use as your covert art.  Then use the rename, move, copy function (make sure "Directories" is UNchecked in the Rename, Move, Copy window) to rename (or copy) the file as "folder.jpg". 

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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2009, 03:11:14 pm »

Yes. That's exactly what I did to clean up my music cover art. I renamed those I wanted MC to use "folder.jpg." In the case of video, my media is not in separate folders, and the cover art files are therefore named "[filename].jpg".


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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2009, 08:17:16 pm »

Can you can use import in MC to import all .jpgs in your "root" music folder (e.g. my setup is E:\Music\) and all subfolders?  Once imported, you can utilize the sort/filter functionality of MC to display only the jpg's you'd like to use as your covert art.  Then use the rename, move, copy function (make sure "Directories" is UNchecked in the Rename, Move, Copy window) to rename (or copy) the file as "folder.jpg". 

neat, I learned yet another new feature of MC today!

Learning aside, I do have more than 1 jpg file in each folder, so I'm not sure whether I can just batch rename everything to folder.jpg.  But I'll take a look into it.  ;D

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Re: "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" Customization
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2009, 09:51:45 pm »

There's lot's of different ways you could use a view of your cover art to get the job done. If you don't want to spend the time picking which of multiple images to use, you might decide the largest one is a "good enough" choice. Sort by File size descending within Album, do a search to Remove duplicates of Album, then rename the resulting images. If you do want to pick, include Only duplicates of Album, use a custom or otherwise unused field to temporarily flag which ones you want to use, then batch rename those.
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