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Author Topic: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here  (Read 3244 times)


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Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« on: September 09, 2009, 09:45:18 am »

This is a stable version of MC 14.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

14.0.65 (09/08/2009)

1. Optimized: Further improvements to user interface updating during playback (also fixes position slider problem with build 64).
2. Fixed: Using MCC Theater View commands while zoomed into the File Info panel could cause a crash.
3. Fixed: XMLTV parser trims non-printing characters from values for better support of some third-party XML.
4. Fixed: Nested Theater View root items wouldn't appear when first entering Theater View.
5. Fixed: Filling properties from filenames and using dates didn't always work properly.
6. Fixed: A tagless MP3 could show up with a genre of 'Blues'.
7. Changed: Improved FileVolume(...) expression support for (Install Drive):\ style filenames used in portable installs.
8. Fixed: In a portable install, settings that ended with escape characters (backslash, equals, etc.) could become corrupted. (may require delete and reinstall to fully fix)
9. Fixed: In some cases, like when resuming from S3 standby, Media Center could show an 'Analyzing devices...' wait message despite being minimized.
10. Fixed: Having a modeless popup tool like 'Convert Files' open would make Theater View disable itself for keyboard and mouse input.
11. Changed: Tweaked the 'Repeat Playlist' mode so that it will loop on a single audio file but won't loop on a single image or video.
12. Fixed: The Theater View option "Disable Windows Media Center" would always appear unchecked.
13. Fixed: Learned remote commands couldn't be tested until exiting the options dialog.

14.0.64 (09/04/2009)

1. Fixed: Turning off media types in Features in Options > General > Advanced > Features could cause a crash.
2. Changed: Showing of library views on the 'View' menu when in a library view is in a nested 'Library Views' submenu.
3. NEW: Theater View file info panel templates can use 'Small Image' or 'No Image' styles.
4. Changed: Theater View file info panel roller shows in place of secondary roller, allowing more space for content.
5. Changed: Revised text formatting of dates for recorded television in Theater View.
6. Fixed: Scrolling Recorded television in Theater View with the scrollbar would show internal text formatting tokens.
7. Changed: When playing a television recording that is currently being recorded, playback goes to television engine, instead of video file playback engine.  Note that this change also reverses change 11 in Build 63.
8. Optimized: Improved handling of view updates during playback to aid overall performance.
9. Optimized: Reworked how Theater View rollers are managed to improve Theater View performance.
10. Changed: Theater View rollers no longer show a slide-in-from-the-left animation when first picking a roller.
11. NEW: MC will import MyMovies data in the file [mediafilename].mymovies.xml or mymovies.xml residing in the same folder as video file, if the standard JRSidecar file does not exist, provided the data contained in the xml file pertain to the media file.

14.0.63 (09/03/2009)

1. Fixed: Auto-install after 30 seconds was not working properly (only applies to last few builds).
2. Fixed: Silent install from the command line (/Silent) was not working properly (only applies to last few builds).
3. Fixed: Television subscription recordings would not have their metadata filled in (only applies to build 62).
4. Fixed: 'Search for Library Servers' was not being translated.
5. Fixed: Bookmark synchronization in television recording was broken in build 62.
6. Changed: 3D wall views could unnecessarily clip other tiles when zooming into a tile.
7. Optimized: Loading UTF-8 XML files to memory is more memory efficient (fixes out-of-memory conditions when parsing huge XMLTV files).
8. Fixed: On a fresh install, the program could launch behind other programs.
9. Fixed: Some commands and messages would not work properly with newly created zones.
10. Changed: MCC commands that target specific zones use a zone index (like v13) instead of a zone ID since a zone ID can't always fit in the 6-bits allocated for the zone identifier.
11. Changed: When playing a television program or channel that is being recorded, playback automatically switches to play the recorded file
14.0.62 (09/02/2009)

1. Fixed: Using a playlist reference in 'Access Control' could cause a crash.
2. Changed: Reworked the 'Access Control' dialog to be more clear.
3. Fixed: Sorting of files inside a category thumbnail in a library view would use the panes file list sorting rules instead of the sorting rules from the bottom list.
4. Fixed: When adding a new library view, it could get added as a locked view that showed warnings when making changes. (views can be unlocked in Customize View > Advanced)
5. Fixed: Television that was currently recording didn't show up in 'Recordings' view of Theater View.
6. Fixed: Importing a television program that was in the process of recording could cause strange results.
7. Changed: Revised layout of date / time selection controls in 'Television' view.
8. Changed: The Import wizard Auto-Import list puts checked folders at the top of the list.
9. Changed: The Import wizard Auto-Import list won't check all folders if a user intentionally selects no folders for auto-import.



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Re: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2009, 02:23:15 pm »

"Locate > On Disk (External)" not worked on MC client


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Re: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2009, 03:45:41 pm »

I've recently bought MC14 despite I promised not to. in hope that some annoying interface features and usability problems introduced in MC13 will be fixed. Unfortunately right after installation  I saw another "improvement".

Quick search suggestions pop-up is very annoying. It occupies a lot of screen and stays on top of other windows when focus is switched to other application. Is it possible to have it displayed on demand or disabled at all?


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Re: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2009, 08:33:23 pm »

Acajou and Noire skins menus have disappeared.

Intel Core i5-4590 CPU,  Haswell Gen2,  LGA1150, 3.3GHz 6 DDR3/ 2x PCIE3.0 x16 16gb Ram Windows 10 64 bit Asus Z97-DELUXE ATX Motherboard Nvidia GForce gtx1080 Receiver Onkyo TX-NR925 TV LG LF6300 55" smart TV


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Re: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2009, 08:50:47 pm »

Always crashes for me, after a minute or two. Just like 14.0.50 which I tried earlier.
I get the usual Win pop-up, "Media Center has encountered a problem..."

I'm running XP SP3. MC12 and 13 work fine on the same computer.

I have a MC11 license and my intention was to upgrade to 14...but...?!?

Let me know if I can do anything to pin down the problem...logs maybe..?




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Re: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2009, 07:11:09 am »

jolo, great post!  I moved it to a thread of it's own:


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Re: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2009, 08:57:57 am »

Always crashes for me, after a minute or two. Just like 14.0.50 which I tried earlier.
I get the usual Win pop-up, "Media Center has encountered a problem..."

I'm running XP SP3. MC12 and 13 work fine on the same computer.

I have a MC11 license and my intention was to upgrade to 14...but...?!?

Let me know if I can do anything to pin down the problem...logs maybe..?


Please collect a log and send it to matt at jriver dot com:

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2009, 04:02:07 pm »

When creating a new library and using the "Clone" function, MC fails to clone the library's Options/settings, instead using the program defaults.

Is a clone not an exact image of it's source? Should it not behave the same?
. . . the game is rigged


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Re: Media Center 14.0.65 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2009, 06:39:42 am »

I don't know if it's related or not, but when i upgraded to the newest build i encountered 2 problems

1) it messed up my custom tag "category" Many tracks were tagged as "ategory" or "categ" under the category tag, while their values were different (eg. metal, rock)

2) The folder auto import options reverted somehow to their default settings so i had to set all my music/video folders again in mc so it can watch them.

Anyway no biggie :P it only took me about 5minutes to get everything working again, just thought you guys should know :P Appart from that build's working great!

I'm on Win7 x64 RTM 7600
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