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Author Topic: Question about library sync  (Read 1794 times)


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Question about library sync
« on: September 27, 2009, 12:43:16 pm »

A while ago I asked a question about library sync and did not get an idea of this feature.
I have got a MC server running on my WHS where my main music library is stored. At the same time I got my music stored on my laptop which also runs MC (not server). When I try to sync both libraries all I get is just WHS file are copied to the My Music folder on my laptop.
Do I have to run the MC server on laptop as well to be able to sync correctly? I looked through wiki and could not find a detailed description and FAQs on this feature that is probably very handy.

Please advise on this.


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Re: Question about library sync
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2009, 06:00:34 am »

It's not supposed to be a file sync behavior. It's meant to be used for Server with media, and one or multiple clients without any media, connecting to the server to share the library. Connect the clients to the server, and the sync option will sync the changes you've done on the client, to the server. Server changes will also be updated on the clients.

I am NOT sure if the files can ever be synced this way. If you got to have the media on both machines I would try another sync software instead, and just running MC clients with it's own local library.
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Re: Question about library sync
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2009, 11:42:02 am »

Library Sync has two discrete functions.

If you're not connected to a server, it will sync the actual files to your local machine.

If you are connected to a server, it will synchronize with the server (send changes, read other client changes).
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Question about library sync
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2010, 07:31:45 am »

Perhaps this will get some attention, there are previous mentions that the library sync from a remote computer does NOT work.

I tried it on 14.0118, 0122 and now 0127.

Modifying a playlist from a remote computer and then manually syncing looks like worked. MC says it synced and askes if I want to update to the newly change library but when it updates there is NO change to the original playlist! My changes are lost.

I, and obviously others, would like to see this fixed. I play a lot of my music remotely and updating the playlists and editing the meta data would be a great feature. I was very happy to see the feature added but am now diappointed that it does not seem to work.

Thanks DenS


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Re: Question about library sync
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2010, 04:43:51 pm »

You're sure that syncing playlist is supposed to work? I thought is was only about the meta data.
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Re: Question about library sync
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2010, 07:00:11 am »

I thought it would sync both but meta data does not work either....
See quotes I found below, looks like as of September it should sync playlists and meta data back from a client to the server.

Guess we hang in there with the hope that it will be addressed.

-Quotes form previous sposts-------------------------------------------------------------------------

I noticed some fixes to the Library Sync feature in recent builds, but I'm still fuzzy on some of the specifics of this feature.  Can anybody help me to understand more about this?  I posted some questions in the MC14 forum a couple weeks ago, but didn't get any responses, so I'm hoping I have more luck here.  Note that I did search both the help system (wiki) and forums, but could not find the answers to these questions.

1)  What specific changes are made when doing a "library sync"?  Is it just the actual "files" that are kept in sync, or do changes made to things like view schemes also get "synced"?  Just how many "areas" does the library sync effect?

2)  How does the library sync handle changes made to the same "item" on both the client and server systems?  Does it track each individual change on both systems, or does it just look at media file and/or library file modified times, or does it only work in the client to server direction, or...?  If I change the genre of a song on the client, and later change the name for the same song on the server and THEN do a library sync, what happens?  Do I end up with the new genre AND the new name, or do I just end up with the new name given that this file has the most recent date, or...?

3)  Does the client need write permission on the server's drive/s in order for it to work?  If so, which drives and/or folders would need to be included?

4)  Does it make a difference if I select "Sync Library" on the client as opposed to the server -- i.e. does the system used to start the operation make any difference?

5)  If I do NOT want a client system to be able to make changes on the server (even if somebody selects "Library Sync"), is there any way to actually PREVENT a Library Sync from making changes to the server?

Thanks for any feedback on this,

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I wish I had more to say!

  Re: Library Sync Questions.
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2009, 01:23:20 am » Quote 

1. Playlists and all tags get synched. Viewscheme changes do not.

2. Matt said that the most recent computer to make a change to a file wins, so if two computers made a change to the same file, the last one to sync would overwrite that file's library data. I assume that means not just for the specific tag that was changed, but would write all the tags in that file.

3. No.

4. I think so. I think you are supposed to sync from a client and the server gets updated. I dont think it's possible to sync all clients to a server from the server itself.

5. No.

Make sure you download the latest build (.61) since there was a bug in recent builds that meant tags werent being synched. I found out after doing 5 hours of tagging (carefully syncing every 20 minutes), and then booting up the next day and seeing it all gone. Please dont share my pain.
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