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Author Topic: a little request - Locate tracks  (Read 2132 times)


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a little request - Locate tracks
« on: October 08, 2009, 07:13:59 am »

I have a little request about the important possibility to locate tracks based on current artist, album etc.

I think it would be useful to have quick access to also the field "Name" (song title). At the moment the quick access is fixed to artist, album, genre and rating. Very often, I am searching for duplicates based on a song's name. In that case it always takes a long time to press right mouse button / locate / advanced / scroll, scroll, scroll down until I finally reach name...

In best case the last used locations would be shown as "quick locates" or you just add this or exchange it with the rating location or you allow to set the quick locates under options...

Even better would be to allow combinations like artist + name => So I would quickly get shown possible duplicates.


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Re: a little request - Locate tracks
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 08:15:17 am »

+1 Agree.


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Re: a little request - Locate tracks
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 09:55:27 am »

In best case the last used locations would be shown as "quick locates" or you just add this or exchange it with the rating location or you allow to set the quick locates under options...

These will already be shown in the "recent commands" section at the top of the right-click menu. Granted it doesn't save them once you perform other non-locating tasks, but you can store up to 6 recent commands. In a normal work flow I would guess that would be enough to only have to dig down into the right-click menu once. Maybe not though...

What I certainly don't want to see is a plethora of fields getting that little arrow added to them. I'm fine with the ones currently available, as they cover the two that I use the most.

It does seem reasonable to add another check box to the library fields menu (near the "save in tags..." check box maybe?), whereby you can choose to add the quick locate feature to that field. Defaults could be the same fields that have the feature enabled now. Obviously the crowds would dance and cheer for this. I guess it whether or not this is easy/doable depends on how the arrow-feature was built to begin with.



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Re: a little request - Locate tracks
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2009, 01:33:48 pm »

These will already be shown in the "recent commands" section at the top of the right-click menu. Granted it doesn't save them once you perform other non-locating tasks, but you can store up to 6 recent commands. In a normal work flow I would guess that would be enough to only have to dig down into the right-click menu once. Maybe not though...
Yes, I know - but you can store up to 8 commands not only 6. It's a workaround, I agree, which is ok. But then I would say it makes limited sense to locate on rating and genre as you normally would have too many hits. So it would make much more sense to show name (track title) instead of rating.

It does seem reasonable to add another check box to the library fields menu (near the "save in tags..." check box maybe?), whereby you can choose to add the quick locate feature to that field. Defaults could be the same fields that have the feature enabled now. Obviously the crowds would dance and cheer for this. I guess it whether or not this is easy/doable depends on how the arrow-feature was built to begin with.
I like that idea and I hope guys at JRiver also... anyway, this would not cover combinations. Just think of such a simple feature like "locate artist+name" to find any dupicate entry. I really would love it.



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Re: a little request - Locate tracks
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2009, 01:34:55 pm »

FYI: up to 8 commands.
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Re: a little request - Locate tracks
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2009, 02:34:54 pm »

These will already be shown in the "recent commands" section at the top of the right-click menu...

Nice tip—thanks! "Advanced locate" is buried so deep in the menu, I hardly ever use it, and I don't think it ever occurred me to use the recent command, although I rely on this feature for many similar situations.

I like that idea and I hope guys at JRiver also... anyway, this would not cover combinations. Just think of such a simple feature like "locate artist+name" to find any dupicate entry. I really would love it.

I suppose combinations might be useful for other situations, but I think duplicates are more effectively handled by applying a "duplicates only" modification to the view. If necessary, the locate function can be used in that view to quickly restrict the duplicates to those of one artist, a particular album, etc.


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Re: a little request - Locate tracks
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2009, 11:14:42 am »

I commented elsewhere that the new Locate optional buttons are a helpful innovation, IF available for any arbitrary field. The hope is to let the user decide what cross-tab links are helpful.

(Because I rely on several custom fields for tagging so don't find the three bolted-in Locate fields to be helpful. I need it on Keywords and on custom field Artists and a few others.)

Even better would be to make this a view-level feature, not specified at the field definition level. In the view design dialog, for each and all view columns, provide the option to display a Locate button.

Views are usually designed to organize and work with files in specific ways, so cross-linking certain views and/or searches via a Locate button would be wonderful. But in many other views, a particular Locate button would just waste space. (I turned off the feature because I didn't want to have it show up globally.)

In some database systems, this type of cross-link does an ad-hoc search on the column field and filters the current list/view or opens a new one. But for more control, some databases let the user control where the link jumps, to a specified view that is sorted/grouped on the particular field. For instance, if a Locate Genre button was displayed, clicking might open the Genre view and jump to the first matching value.

For multi-value fields such as Keywords, the link would jump only to the first value -- it can't read minds.
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Re: a little request - Locate tracks
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2009, 12:01:39 pm »

Agreed.  This form of hyperlinking is very nice.

I'd like to suggest rather than view-centric, this form if linking be applicable to all fields, standard and custom, but click-able at any time via modifier key if necessary).  Perhaps the click-able icon's could be view-centric.  The locate->Advanced menu is more difficult to access, esp. for anything under about the letter 'D' (on my screen).

MC knows which column was clicked on - it would be great if MC used that column's field name and performed the jump (again, with modifier key held down, or via view's click-able links).
The opinions I express represent my own folly.
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