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Author Topic: Newbie - Need help with Trailer playing at Start of Videos  (Read 1859 times)


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Newbie - Need help with Trailer playing at Start of Videos
« on: October 08, 2009, 08:53:16 am »

Currently I use Media Center. Additionall, I also use zoomplayer to actually play the my Movies (all types, DVD, AVT, etc)

Is there a way In MC to have an INTRO Video Trailer Play before a Vide/Movie is played ? or do I need to look at the options of ZoomPlayer ?

Yours Terence


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Re: Newbie - Need help with Trailer playing at Start of Videos
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 09:46:30 am »

From what I know, the best way to do this with MC is to create your view schemes such that when you drill down you are left with your Intro trailer and then the movie.

One way to do it would be to tag/label your trailer with all of the same metadata as your movie file, but then give the intro trailer a [Track #] of 1 and the movie itself a [Track #] of 2. Then when you choose to play the trailer it will segue right into your movie.

This may not work when using ZoomPlayer to play the movies though. I'm not sure that the "Send to..." behavior will support it.
Is there a reason you use ZoomPlayer instead of MC? Doesn't it use the same set of DirectShow filters that MC does? Just curious...

There might be some better methods than this also, but none that seem readily obvious to me.



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Re: Newbie - Need help with Trailer playing at Start of Videos
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 10:11:12 am »

TY for you feed back and comments.

I am cuurently waiting a responce from zoomplayer to see if they have a tecnique for accomplishing the same task. Seeing as how I use Zoomplayer for all Video material, if the Zoomplayer can Always play an intro, then I would achieve the same outcome. I am aware of something called a Filename.tailer in the zoomplayer wihich allows ceratin parameterized trailer settings to engage.

Regarding "why I use Zoom".

I have been involved in HTPC technology for many years,originally with Meedios. In those days it was un heard of to be able top play multiple file formats via the same player (ie, quicktime, avi, mpg, flv, etc.)

It seemed that expertise had eveolved in either the Libtrary front ends, or the playing og multiple file formats with various codecs. BUT , it seemed next to impossible to get the best of Both worlds in one packagae, hence Meedios was my favorite frontend, and Zoomplayer was the most efficient player and most verssatle.

With Jr River, I found the Libarry to be GREAT. BUT, as I recall, I found the fficiency of the player to be a bit slow (and so is my machine). I realize that the slowness, or jitter was probably due to different codecs and I couldprobably tweek enough to get the J Rivers Player to do just as well, IOt was a case of using what I knew worked.

Yours terence


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Re: Newbie - Need help with Trailer playing at Start of Videos
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2009, 10:32:26 am »

It was a case of using what I knew worked.
Always a sane choice.

There may come a time when this choice winds up causing more annoyance than reconfiguring MC's direct show filters (ie when trying to utilize new features). If that time comes, you will indeed be able to configure MC to play as well as Zoom Player. Others can give you better advice for this than I can, but the wiki article on Direct Show Filters is a good place to start if you get curious.



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Re: Newbie - Need help with Trailer playing at Start of Videos
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2009, 08:23:42 am »

For the record.

I have been able to use the following .bat file to play a intro (ie logo.avi)

and then it plays the passed parameter as a film.

I have used the river options to play external player when encounter a .avi

then i tell it to use c:\test1.bat as the program to play the file

then i  use the srgument field to pass "[filename]"

@echo off
cd "c:\program files\zoom player"
zplayer "c:\logo.avi"  /q
zplayer %1 /q

Probem is that the Zoomplayer has to actually exit and restart between the films, if I dont use the /q option the logo files reapeats forever.



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Re: Newbie - Need help with Trailer playing at Start of Videos
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2009, 04:02:29 pm »

For the record:

I created a text file via notepad, I inserted the below code, I named the file with extention .vbs

I then used the same technique I described for my bat file in previous post of this threatd. An the Zoomplayer now starts, plays the intro vid, then plays the movie, with NO command line.

Dim ArgObj, var1, var2
Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments
var1 = ArgObj(0)
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "c:\Logo.avi"  & Chr(34), 3
WshShell.Run chr(34) & var1  & chr(34) & " /Q" , 3
Set WshShell = Nothing

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