One more thread, one more time, with a feeling now

To be clear it's not my intention to critique the current status of Theater View, which is a solution that works. I do appreciate what JRiver has done with it. However I probably have a different vision. If it resonates with anybody here, devs and/or users, further discussion may be useful. If it doesn't (especially with the devs) I'd appreciate them saying so if possible. It won't make me appreciate MC any less, quite the opposite.
On specifics, cause we talked on this subject enough for 3 novels:
1) JRiver policy, front and center: are you going to take on your rivals, regarding Theater View? It's rather easy to see for anybody that knows anything that MC has no rival when it comes to any other parts of the applications except Theater View. Here you have. So, is it gonna be yes, no, maybe? A flat out no will make everything that follows superfluous.
2) Vision: there's a dilemma: the 10 foot interface besides its particular usability has to deal with a plethora of database features that other programs don't have (go JRiver). If nothing else it can be seen from the discussions
here and
here that attempts to come up with various combined ideas are subject to much arguing. We've used MC for years now. The expectations on the usability part is that there will be something more that nobody has in the Theater View - a more advanced type of navigation, in place filtering, etc. Magic.
3) Skinning: this is a tough one. I'd like the entire Theater View interface skinable. No more hardcoded things. Elements should be able to be positioned with fixed (pixel) accuracy. Rollers, thumbs and info panel should have customizable position, background, fonts and, at the far end - animation (slide in/our, fade in/out for certain elements). This will collide gracefully with ideas like customizing the InfoPanel from Options in the Standard interface but it can't be help. There are zillion features that can be listed as needed. It's not reasonable to expect me to list them all in one go.
4) Skinning: certain new elements should be brought in and linked by some kind of relationship. I'm talking about symbols for audio and video codecs used, studios, resolutions (ie 1080p) and so on. Listing these details as text it's nowhere near as appealing and useful as having their already known symbols/icons displayed. Fanart should be present too, after all we're talking about the experience of watching something. The more pleasant the presentation of an entry - the better. For whoever doesn't know what fanart is in the context that means custom backgrounds for the detail view of every entry. With the extension of a custom number of screenshots from the movie/episode/etc that gets display in various ways if you remain on an entry for a longer time.
5) Skinning: there is current trend to expand the area allocated to a field (upon selection, interaction) if the content of this field exceeds the space initially available (think Description or Actors fields). This is one style. However you can't really build something complex with this since you can never account for how far something will expand. The other solution would be to scroll inside the initially allocated space which will remain fixed.
6) Skinning: I see a trend to push for 3D elements in Obsidian (the big coverart) or the 3D view. It's one idea. However from where I'm coming that's rather a no-no. Can it be skinned? Can I design my own parallelepiped in 3ds Max and plug it in Theater View? Yeah right (well I don't know anything about 3ds Max). Bottom line these things can't be skinned, it's just another way to lock down design and if you ask me they are rather unappealing.
7) Aggregation: there are a couple of elements that don't exist and we're in dire need of. For example Series and Seasons should be standalone entries with their own coverart, metadata - properties in general. While at the same time having certain relationships up and down in the context of the mentioned content. There's no other way to nicely say this, we need it and we need it yesterday. Modify the stacks behavior in order to be referenced individually, work any other kind of magic - we need this. More skilled people than me in all things databases are welcome to pitch ideas.
8 ) Start Page, use of space: too much empty space. One idea would be that there can be stats about your collection, your recent imports, playing now, various other stats system-related (customizable) etc. Plugins?
9) Weather Page, use of space: would in be possible to bring in more info - 24, 36, 72 hours, week, month? On a 1080 screen it's a lot of empty space. Could the graphics be customizable? Can we have the custom backgrounds that change in sync with the current weather (sun - sunny background, rain - rainy BG, etc)? Provided that we have the BKGs stored somewhere with some logic for the naming convention.
10) Coverart display: name under covert art / posters should be optional. If one has covers for all his albums, and covers/posters for all his movies the name listing under every element may not be necessary -> save space, have the thumbnails close together, display more of them. Depending on the type of coverart (which will tell the title details without additional text titles under them) this can bring an extended number of views in Theater View.
11) Coverart display: use an overlay that determines the transparency section in order to "cut" the corners (or other parts) and have rounded (or freeform for the crazy) thumbs/coverart
So far for now. Who's with me?