Hi Thx i have more understood now

So i haven't this problem because i store image in the tag and i choose multiple selection (with ctrl) like in the screenshot then Right clik==>quick schearch and all the pictures appear even if the tag is not made correctly.
BUT I HAVE NOTICED THAT U HAVE TO SET YOURE FOLDER IN READ ONLY for this to work maybe this 'll be helpfull.(after we can reverse back to read only).
And beware if u use past from clipboard and the file already contain a picture the clipboard will be deleted.
I use only one picture in the file folder (others are on another folder) because with two files i haven't display at all.
I have set options "picture on the folder file"
So maid like u see i don't use the rebuild thumdnail option just quick schearch:>
i have work the complete day on my pictures and now all the 127 GB have pictures now i can work on tag and has u can see on the screenshot there's a big work to do :p.