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Author Topic: off topics Yahoo! services  (Read 1274 times)


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off topics Yahoo! services
« on: July 05, 2002, 10:44:29 am »

Was looking for email-home page-calendar-bookmarks 'under one roof'

I got a tip from Nikolay about Yahoo!
Was surprised but gave a look and a try
It is one of the best free services i ever find
Of cause some windows with announcements,but aside your home page or email,not the opposite
There is a Yahoo!IE 6[with messenger-email client[not really,look alike]
There is also a Yahoo! toolbar for IE &Netscape[4|PLS|]

You can customise to the point you will spend hours trying and setting

You can ever mixe languages.News from Reuter & french sport news about cycling,colors and more
You can set your calendar according to countrys or religion

Just to let you know


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Not so quick
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2002, 11:06:52 am »

I was to b yahoo fan also, but ever since they changed their privacy policy two months ago, I tend not to relay on `em so much.
They do spy on you and you WILL get spamed.
After this dot com trumble, they probably figured out that even a known player like Yahoo can't live of expaitation, and started capitilaz of their user base.



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RE:off topics Yahoo! services
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2002, 12:11:48 pm »

You may be rigth

Until now,TO MY SURPRISE,i did not get any spam.

Concerning spy.It depends how.
If they put a spyware on your computer,this i do not accept-but i do not think they do it
If they spy with cookies,if you want to take the time to set any cookies manager to accept only the cookies you need to access your services,you do not get many cookies
I did it with Netscape,needed many trys,but after one hour ,all was set
Beside this i have Alarm Pro

Anyway,if they just spy you througth your surf,i do not mind that much
cause the service is really top level

Charlemagne 8

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RE:off topics Yahoo! services
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2002, 04:42:09 pm »

You can also get a Yahoo! credit card.
That's right.
I'm cool.


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RE:off topics Yahoo! services
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2002, 04:07:28 am »


Thank you for the advice
Unlike many others,Yahoo! privacy is clear and full exposed

Did not take me long to set anything as i want inside Yahoo and after with ZoneAlarm pro
I still keep Yahoo! offers and updates ar this time
I do not mind them to send emails to me if is not 23 emails a day
If it is like it ,i will unchek this as well

I'am not a mad about privacy.If i use a free product like Yahoo.i am ready to let them 'make some money on me'.As far i know it and can choise the level
Clean your cockies and surf 30 minutes on Cnet and Zdnet,have a look at your coockies,and tell me how many you get

But about all of it ,i still have the same question:how they do more money?Selling a service or a software?Or collecting infos or putting spywares?
Let takes Yahoo.Ok big problems in the internet field,we need to make some money.
We have 2 solutions:
-Still free and we collect.........,us and others
-You pay $10 a year and we do not collect anything

But there is not such a possibility

Take Gator ,the best,BY FAR,password manager on the market.
I am sure that a lot of people would buy it,to have a program so good and spy free
But you cannot,you just have the spy version.Of cause with a firewall you can make the spy 'silent'or with others programs and use it not getting any spam,the spy not working.

So .they are not interrested in a registered program,because they make more money with spy?

If i was a programmer i would try to built a not free password  manager just stealling the Gator technique

Niv Vaizer

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RE:off topics Yahoo! services
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2002, 04:36:05 pm »

Well, let me ask how involved are you with the net?
Are you really aware of the ease of eavesdropping in this digital age?
I do agree that the basics of keeping an eye on your cookiz and running a firewall is fare.
After getting a DSL line, I quickly turned my PC in to an always on system, thus opening the possibilities to a lot of risks.
Some of are not even directly related to security,
I mean, Who can resist that newsletter from Amazon announcing a new cd coming out form your favorite band? I mean, I should be in charge.
I should find it out by my own findings, and not be told according to the data Amazon collected during my window shopping their site.

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