For the - counting... - 1846753 time, we need independent thumbs (and metadata) per Series, per Season and per Episode.
Exactly. For things like Series and Box set movies, we really need independent "cover" art on different levels. Some metadata for each series, season and episode is also required. How can this be done? Things like summary or plot also needs to be on series, season and episode level I guess. Would it be possible to add some kind of Layer function on a few tags, or do we HAVE to have multiple tags like Series Art, Season Art, Artist Art and "Normal Cover art" for episodes?
When it comes to the art. Would it be possible to just have some sort of logic of what is shown, based on what directory the images is in? Let me take one example:
I have a directory structure like this: \\server\Series\Season\episodes.*
This way MC could pick up the images called cover.jpg (just an example) in the series folder and use that as cover art for Series category, and to use cover.jpg under season for cover art on season browsing. Normal cover art for each Episodes.
Might be more of hazzel than just introducing some standard fields though. Just throwing out a few ideas.