Hi Ziggurratt,
Great job! It's working great and I like the interface - it contains everything I need! I just have one note and two questions...
As a note, it might help others if you specify in your install instructions that the MJ Web Remote port and the xmlport value in glissando.txt have to be the same. I had trouble connecting until I made that change.
First question - and I hope you don't think I'm being greedy. I know this is in Alpha stage, but I thought it would be worth bringing up now. Do you think it would be possible at some point to give the Flash a text file of attributes to "skin" the layout? This would be to change locations of parts, include/disable parts, change colors, etc.
The second question is instead of including the flash and the .exe app together, would it be difficult to separate them? I have a use to display the flash in a web page instead of as a stand-alone application. It could live in the plugins directory with the .exe, I would just give my web page the path to find it. However, if you and the JRiver folks are talking about making your Flash available for Track Info pages, then this would be redundant...
I realize these might be version 1.1 requests, but I just wanted to see what you (and everyone else) thinks about them.
Matt L.