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Author Topic: Compilation CD becomes many titles  (Read 1095 times)


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Compilation CD becomes many titles
« on: December 04, 2009, 10:13:27 am »

I have a compilation CD.  For some reasonse each song went into one individual artwork and I now have 15 artworks showing on my Media Center desktop.  There was only one and then now it gets to three.  Seems like a bug in Media Center.



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Re: Compilation CD becomes many titles
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2009, 03:07:25 pm »

If you downloaded the cover art from the internet, I would remove the cover art and download it.

Select the files, right click and select Cover Art > Remove Cover Art
Right click the selected files again and Cover Art > Get from internet...

If that didn't solve the problem I would check "album artist" field. Having multiple artist listed here could cause the problem. I would also check to see if the album is in one location.



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Re: Compilation CD becomes many titles
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2009, 06:54:10 pm »

Thanks for your comments.  The first suggestion did not work (removing the artwork and download it again to all files).  Internet did not have the artwork. 

As for multiple artists, I have other compilation CDs that have multiple artists and it shows as a single CD title with no similar problem.  Except there were two Linn collections CDs that also had this problem.  What I did was deleted one from the iTunes library completely and then imported it from the CD again.  Strangely even I did this to only one CD, both CD came back to show as single titles again so it seems there is some bug in the Media Center.  Unfortunately, I can not find the original CD that I still have this multiple show problem (I got a lot of CDs) in my rack.

I am familiar with iTunes but not with Media Center when you say check Artist, can you tell me where to click?



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Re: Compilation CD becomes many titles
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2009, 10:02:35 pm »

Sorry, I think I misunderstood you the 1st time. Thought you had an album art problem.

If your compilation CD is showing as multiple albums its most likely a tagging error.

Look at the bottom left of MC, In the "Action Window" click "Tag". A new window named "Tag" should pop up. On the top left of this window there should be a small icon (to the left of the word "Tag") Click it and pick "Show Tags In Current View" from the list. The "Tag" window  should reflect your current view.

You want to have the follow column in you view, Album Artist, Artist, Album. Just right click the column heading and pick from the list.

Check to make sure your fields are correctly tagged. If not select the incorrect song and change it in the tagging window to the bottom left. Or you can do a SLOW double click on the field itself in the main window.
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