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Author Topic: Easiest way to move videos to new drive?  (Read 2626 times)


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Easiest way to move videos to new drive?
« on: December 13, 2009, 12:04:09 pm »

I've moved files before but I can't figure out a simple way to do this.  I basically want to move D:\My Videos to G:\My Videos, including the entire (non-standard) nested directory structure, as is.

Is there a 1-shot way of doing this?  Or do I need to recreate the directory structure and move stuff one branch at a time (I hope not!).


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Re: Easiest way to move videos to new drive?
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2009, 12:06:42 pm »

Test on a small set of files, but you should be able to do this under my computers, using drag and drop.

Library Tools/Move, Copy & Rename should also work.

Alex B

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Re: Easiest way to move videos to new drive?
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2009, 12:28:38 pm »

My suggestion is to move the entire folder structure with Windows Explorer when MC is not running and then fix the database.

1. Windows Explorer:

-  Copy the base folder. (Delete the old files only later when everything is working from the new location.)

2. MC:

- Create a new library backup file (File > Library > Back Up Library...)
- Untick all auto-import options (= disable it completely)
- Search for D:\My Videos\
- Select All
- Use the Rename, Move, & Copy Files tool for fixing the drive letter - settings:
  a) Select the correct mode: Update database to point to new location (no file rename, move or copy)
  b) Untick the Directories and Filename options
  c) Define the path change in the Find & Replace section:
      Find What: D:\My Videos\
      Replace With: G:\My Videos\  
      (take care that both strings have the same number of backslashes)
  d) Check that the preview section shows correct new filenames and press OK.

The database fix should happen quickly and after that everything should work fine from the new location.
After you have verified that everything is fine you can delete the old files and re-enable the auto-importer (remember to correct its folder locations if they point to D:\My Videos\)
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Re: Easiest way to move videos to new drive?
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2009, 12:56:23 pm »

Actually, I do this often.

You could do it the way Alex suggested, but that's pretty complicated (somewhat for no reason).  There is an easier way.  Just use the Find and Replace tool in MC!  It'll move the files for you if you "change" the filename tag.

1. Select all of the files you want to move in MC, then right click Library Tools > Find and Replace.
2. Check the box for the the Filename tag (but ONLY this field) in the left-hand panel.  Best to click the "Select None" button and then scroll through and choose only the Filename tag.
3. In the Find What box, use D:\
4. In the replace box, use G:\
5. Click OK, and MC will go through and fix the database and move the files in one fell swoop.

The "Updating Tag Changes" process will take a LONG time as MC actually moves the files over to the other drive.  It's okay though.  Just be patient and it'll work.  Before you start, it would be a good idea to turn off Auto-Importing temporarily, so that it doesn't get in the way at all.  Other than that, though, this process works perfectly.

I use it regularly to move video files off of my main RAID media drive to my external "offline storage" drives that I use for stuff I have already watched, but want to save for the long term.  It works great.
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Re: Easiest way to move videos to new drive?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2009, 05:07:40 pm »

Thanks for the speedy replies.

Alex - I tested your solution and it works fine.  This is the way I'll probably go.  Thanks a bunch.

Glynor - I actually tried your method first and couldn't make it work for me.  Maybe I'm doing it wrong?  Some of the directories contain several IFO and VOB files pertaining to a particular movie or TV show - that's the way I copied them to disk.  MC only has 1 line item for that movie - something like "D:\My Videos\xxxxxxx\VIDEO_TS.dvd;1".  When I select that and perform the Find/Replace you suggested, all it does is immediately change the D:\ to G:\ but doesn't move any files.  I know I'm probably doing something wrong but I don't know what.  Clearly, if I could make this work, this solution would be simpler.

Jim - For the same reason mentioned above to Glynor, dragging and dropping only works for single AVI, FLV, or MOV files (in my case).  And I still need to do it one directory at a time.

Appreciate all the help, as always.

Alex B

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Re: Easiest way to move videos to new drive?
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2009, 06:14:50 pm »

glynor, what I explained isn't complex.

Essentially it is a very simple two-step process:

1. Copy the files outside MC. Just drag & drop the base folder to the new location and wait... (The "LONG time" part goes here.)

2. Fix the drive letter (or base path) inside MC with the RM&CF tool. It is fast and easy. I just wanted to explain the correct procedure and settings in detail in order to avoid any possible problems.

As Crescent said, the folders often contain various files that are not imported and will be left behind when the imported files are moved by MC. In addition, I'd dare to say that it is more robust and safer to move hundreds of GBs of data with Windows Explorer than with MC. If MC, for any reason, crashes during the process the library might become partially unsynced because there is a small delay before the library data files are updated. In my experience some of the very recent changes are usually lost after a crash.

After the files are available in the new location the library fix is a very light operation and can always be reverted by restoring the newly created library backup file.
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Re: Easiest way to move videos to new drive?
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2009, 06:38:07 pm »

I'm done, using your method, Alex.  Two steps but it worked flawlessly.  Thanks again.  I was worried there for a minute that I'd be working on this for hours!  :)


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Re: Easiest way to move videos to new drive?
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2009, 09:24:18 am »

Alex... I realize that your method wasn't that tough, but you must admit that moving them through MC all in one step is even easier.  That said, I didn't even think about dealing with VOB/IFO DVD folder structures on disk, since I don't use those types of media EVER.  You could probably handle even this through an "All Media" view, but you'd certainly have to be more careful.  With that in mind, you gave the right advice though.

That said, for more traditional single-file MKV/AVI/MP4 files, moving them through MC via any of the many mechanisms it offers really does work fine nowadays.  I use this method and the File Rename, Move, and Copy tool to move HUNDREDS of GB quite regularly.  I don't think having MC crash while doing this is a serious concern, unless you have random problems with MC crashing otherwise.  (And if so, that's something you should address because I certainly don't.)  I've also found it to be a tiny bit faster than moving through Windows Explorer on Vista/Win7 (of course, network copy operations are still somewhat broken in Windows Explorer).
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