Thanks for the help. I will try to make my explanation more clear, in case that makes the solution "easier".
I have a network drive with 20,000 folders, which all contain several files. (4 to 10 files each)
all of the folders are named name.number
all of the files have varied names, but this is fine, I can/will rename them - I created new library fields called
- Date - formatting the created date as 01012010
- Status - a 3 character field I will fill in based on the current file name
- Number - which extracts the rightmost 10 digits from the folder name
the files get renamed as Date_Status_Number
Okay, so I no longer need certain folders (about 10,000 folders, so about 60,000 files). in other words if I'm finished with the folder, I need to move all the files it contains. if I'm not finished with the folder, I won't move any of the files it contains.
i have a list of these "finished" folders, currently an excel list
the only way to get these "finished" folders into MC is to import *all* of the 20k folders on the network
*is there a way outside of MC to select only these folders and move them, letting me import only this new location into MC??
after creating the library fields, I copied the number into the keyword field
I then created a smartlist where the file is in the correct path, and the keywords contains the list of numbers. this is where I run into the problem. The smartlist uses keyword contains, and I can only enter 30ish numbers here. it works fine, and I can then move the results to a new location, and then enter another 30ish numbers in the smartlist and repeat. this has worked fine for the proof of concept, but will take WAY too long to select 10,000 folders worth of files.
my hope is that there is a way to use a much longer list in my smartlist to select all the files in my list at once, or in MUCH larger groups
is the keyword field limited to 30ish numbers or a certain number of characters; are all fields similarly limited, or will something other than keyword let me enter more numbers?
I hope that clears up my needs a bit more. sorry, it's not so easy to explain in writing

I think I understand your suggestion, and I think I can save many steps, as I can get the correct path into the excel sheet directly (avoiding the export and vlookup).
the trick is the next step, which you link to, provided by Alex, and I will review that next.
however, either selecting them using my list and moving them outside of MC, or getting a smartlist to allow more arguments (bigger list) might be easier. anyone know if that is possible?