The HTPC Is Now Setup, JRiver NOW Has Challenges To Face...
THE QWEST TO MAKE THE ULTIMATE HTPC INTERFACE (Theaterview) The Ability to Place Our TheaterView home screen icons where we want... Example images, music, movies, pictures, connected, search, dvds television... similiar to the cinemar customizable htpc interface i made years ago when i use to use them (Before I Know JRiver Exsisted). by doing so we could have a total animated interface, we could use gifs, jpegs etc.. In my pics for example. You can see how i had the interface setup. on home screen it was just apicture. but if moved your mouse to the robot holding the earth i made a .swf and it would spin and it auto show text saying goto internet, if you moved your mouse over the fancy speaker on the other robots arm it would play the swf of music notes coming out of speaker and it would say with auto popup text Jam to music. if you clicked\hovered on the disc in the robots on left sides shoulder it would hover text movie, and would make sound. if you hovered over the purple looking orb it would auto show text of weather and making a sound. On the right robots sholder you see a exit button i made that when you hovered over it\selected it brought you to exit screen and gave you 2 choise yes\ no and those were animated with mp3's i made as well. On the other screens that arent the home screen you notice a door looking icon i made that would open and close when you hovered over it showing a door closed and when open a field... meaning that was your home screen and if you clicked it it would shortcut you back to the home screen. I know this can be implemented and there shouldnt be any legal issues ESPECIALLY being they are using your guys code for there music interface in there forums theres a jriver server plugin! Another cool feature they had was when you go somewhere from homescreen or from your custom icons\.swf files when you hovered over them or selected them you could chose a mp3 file to play... so for example when i hovered over weather it would show rain moving ndown and it would make whooosh sound. when i went over movies it show a movie reel spinning and make a sound of the 20 th century fox intro. when i would hover or music it would play a music mp3. when i hovered over internet it would play a mp3 i made of bits of date screaming along liek the sounds of a keyboard typing really fast. Anyway See Pics to get the drift of what i'm talking about... (More ultimates After Pics)
Main - Home Screen ---VVVV---

DVD Screen - all dvd's were ran daisy changed via sony 777es dvd changers and connected via rs232 and would show movie info in the dvd screen. notice how icons are the same in dvd as they are in home screen and all other screenshots im showing.---VVVV---

CD\MP3\Music Screen, all music was ran from cd chnagers via rs232. Again all icons available so i could go anywhere, And every screen\icon is customizable and or animated via .swf that i made. (this is the cd jriver plugin that i was using. it would auto grab all my music from jriver and put into the cinemar interface) ---VVVV---

my exit screen, when you would go here, a mp3 file i made, when you hovered over are you sure yes or no when you hovered to yes it would say austa la vista baby from the termintor then it would close theater. when you hovered over no it would play a mp3 i made saying rock on the party continues. ---VVVV---

- ability to view stocks, rss feeds, podcasts in theaterview (if available pardon my ignorance)
- ability to change our custom\ new library items from the ugly folder icon to anything want per folder if not then at least ability to show folder thumbnails!
- HTPC theater view webcam ability, using a 3rd party software (cinemar allows something similiar for this as well) to be able to have house webcams secuirty cameras available within theaterview via a name we'd add live video lets say... and it would open black screen with our camerasall from within theaterview. it would have many features available.. view live video from anywhere, allow you to record from which ever camera you want. allow you to do video conferencing will get into that later.
- Incorporate firefox, IE into theaterview. so we have full Browser Support from within jriver theaterview...
make a bookmarks button plugin that we can autosync with xmarks... so that on home screen anytime you want to show a friend family something it is RIGHT THERE without having to open the internet browser thats built into jriver.
- ebook .cbr reader or at least the ability to see our ebooks, .cbr files Thumbnails within jriver and then a plugin that when we clicked on one it would open the comic rack program for us or auto open adobe reader from WITHIN theaterview.
ability to install use and visualize we can find. winamp visualizations for example.
- ability to save all theaterview views schemes and be able to transfer them to other htpcs around the house, office lake home etc..
- ability when inserting a cd\dvd with your personal media on it to be able to rip it to the folder\server location you have set in options.
- ability to right click in display view and choose cycle ALL VISUALIZATIONS.. ALL MEANING all even the 3rd party ones!
- mute button timer. a plugin that in theaterview we can press it and will auto mute our music after 30 minutes, 60 minutes, hour, 5 hours etc...
- Autopause timer button... So that our drives are not constantly spinning.. if people are here partyin or relaxing whatever if they know they are going to sleep in that room\Zone, a auto pause plugin that will pause the music, videos when you press the button, 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 2, 5 hours. etc...
- calculator plugin. ability to have fast access to a calculator
- games plugin. plugin to show and open games on pc all with in jriver and ALWAYS allowing jriver to take control of quiting games switching to music vids internet, radio etc..
- possiblity to use Dragon Naturally Speaking Dragon Professional with theaterview? allowing us never NEEDING a remote. play acdc. play movie pirates of the carribean. 5star this song. move this song to playlist top 500 best albums ever. all done with good quality ariel (large room - similiar to webcam mic but of better quality where it picks up EVERYTHING) type mic that is hooked up to htpc
- ability to sync our cellphones with theaterview. i come home i press a button on my smartphone she syncs with theater view. my parents call me. NO MATTER where i am in theaterview a PIP picture in picture pops up in right corner showing there phone number there pic and under that basic options, answer call, reject, hangup. and auto accept video conference. (sound of call comes out through htpc speakers if we chose it to and the the high end mic transmits our voice to the recipient, also a button to allow for contacts. allowing you to select your phone contact and being your synched choose call parents, send parent s a text message, video conference parents. ability to sync our phones contacts, calender, events, notes, tasks, facebook twitter updates.. and when we get a cellphone alert and if at home synch'd with jriver mobile sync it will popup a nice popup alerting us or allowing us to do whatever steps we want for that alert, call, etc..
- theaterview when playing music instead of choosing visualizations. a plugin to autodownload artist info from net while its playing. no need for storage. it just auto downloads from internet source when song plays. it is scanning already for the next song in playlists info to show when that songs turn is to play. very similiar to music choice service for those of you that have cable.
- theaterview notepad \ wordpad with grouping\sorting ability in theaterview... your sitting around thought of something you need to make a note you click on notes and type in your note.
- calender alerts synched with cellphone online outlook calenders plugin. allows for basi info of alerts to show up in theaterview at any given time you have told it it will popup a nice balloon on top of screen, middle or bottom where ever. and show you the alert you need to do. and offers a few simiple button. make new alert, dismiss, snooze
- instant messenger theaterview addon\plugin.. auto pops up a little window when someone pm's us. allows to webcam with them. a button on home screen in contacts to bring up a messenger window in theaterview to get ahold of contact. or share a funny file with them via file transfer from within theaterview. PALTALK PLUGIN OR SKYPE? also allowing for when synch with cellphone contacts.
- BIG ONE FOR ME... abilty for auto screensaver lockout in theaterview.. no one is using htpc. she goes to sleep next person that sists down has to enter password for THERE account or family account.. this way those of us with kids. can lock them out of our adult libraries. (i dont like my 9 year old being able to have access to my R-Rated movies. or My Adult funny pictures etc...)
- rss feeds(tera drives are on sale today for 79.99 through newegg, gives you link to click it jrivers internet browser opens up to that page and ya buy em while the deal is on), stocks POPUP plugin.. stocks crashing? pops up warning with easy buttons dismiss, goto (Link you provide..says scottrade)
- a huge one for me if customizable movable icons arent possible! customizable toolbars inside theaterview. the option to have 2 of them. one on the top IDENTICAL to what is in display view, shows artist, rating, little eq, pause, play, stop, next, back, and the scroll bar. but nice and big and clear.. im using black and blue my favorite mega skin, but on htpc in theaterview on bigscreen mode i cant read anything in my toolbar. a bottom toolbar that allows us to put ANY short cut we wish in it for theaterview... meaning i could have 15 icons in bottom toolbar that are always available on whatever screen im on. they would be for example always see... music, pictures, movies, television, dvd, weather, sleep timer, mute auto timer, internet, notes, calender. The ability for these toolbars top and bottom to be auto hideable like the top one is now... goto top of screen it shows toolbar, goto bottom of screen it shows our customizable bottom toolbar.
- the ability in displayview\big screen mode to see our right clicks LARGER. we get the rightclicks option which is great for us audiovideophile\geeks i want to be able to see it and use every option thats available.
- Lighting control button sections similiar to weather or news plugin... ready to start movie? click on lighting choose fish tank shut off, choose main turn off, turn on couch lighting, dim mood lighting.. i can do all this now with x10 products and my hometheater remote. but be great to have it interfaced within jriver with nice icons and views.
- This Left Blank For Future Ultimates...
Thanks for Listening.. These are just some things i 'd love to see in Our theater interface... And I thought i'd start a new interesting topic for Dreaming, Working, Commenting, Suggesting. Or Maybe Even Showing Of Your HTPC's And Your Interfaces\Theaterviews.
Not sure If Its Possible but I Think It Would Be Neat To Have a Poll On Items In Topics on the forum.. is this possible? would really help for future upgrades on what people like. It would be like a forum 5 star rating system.