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Author Topic: Is there a way to start a smartplaylist automaticaly at a certain time  (Read 1219 times)

miguel reis

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Is there a way to start a smartplaylist automaticaly at a certain time of the day?
e.g. the MC14 is playing a smartplaylist "Top Hits", and at 18:00H I want it to start the smartplaylist "New Today" ?


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Re: Is there a way to start a smartplaylist automaticaly at a certain time
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 10:59:07 am »

Yes.  You can use MC's automation commands to start playlists (and LOTS of other stuff) via a command line interface.  With this and the Windows Task Scheduler, you should be able to accomplish what you want.

Take a look here:

Specifically, you want to use this command:

Code: [Select]
mc14.exe /PlayReplace [item]|[item]... Playing Now is replaced with the item(s) and playback starts.

    Each [item] can be one of the following:

        * A filename: C:\song1.mp3
        * A URL: http:\\\station.pls
        * A location within the Organization Tree: TREEPATH=Playlists\Playlist1
        * A device under CD & DVD and Handhelds: DEVICE=G:

    Note: The TREEPATH=Location\Item specification is case-sensitive for Location and Item and the hierarchy separator is \.

    Note: For Media Center 10 or greater, the Playback Execute Parameters can be issued to a specific Zone by adding Zone=x as one of the items in the | delimited list. e.g. "mc14.exe /Append C:\1.mp3|C:\2.mp3|Zone=3".
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Re: Is there a way to start a smartplaylist automaticaly at a certain time
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 10:59:16 am »

Under Services & Plug-ins there is a Scheduler that should do what you want.

miguel reis

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Re: Is there a way to start a smartplaylist automaticaly at a certain time
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 11:43:11 am »

Thatīs it!
The scheduler in the "Services and Plug-ins" can do it!
Thank you!
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