Devices > JRiver Id -- Hardware by JRiver

Imaginary Device [JRiver Id is now shipping]

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Yes yes yes! Especially if the MC could be controlled via an iPhone or other device, so that one could access the library and have playback in the kitchen without needing a full PC/laptop. I'd buy 3 for sure.

I would want, initially, three of those devices with a potential for four more. But here's the catch, I would need to synchronize the audio across all (or some) of the devices. Might this be possible?

I'd buy it if I could control it from my iphone or web browser.

The big hole in MC's "ecosystem" is the web browser client version of MC. Some guys on the plugins board have done a commendable job, but for people like me who have their library served from a WHS in the closet (with no sound card in it), there's no way to play my music on a mac without booting into windows. We need at least one platform neutral way to browse our MC library and act as a remote control for the kind of device you suggested.


--- Quote from: fitbrit on January 29, 2010, 10:39:56 pm ---Yes yes yes! Especially if the MC could be controlled via an iPhone or other device, so that one could access the library and have playback in the kitchen without needing a full PC/laptop. I'd buy 3 for sure.

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It's DLNA, so it could be controlled by any DLNA controller.  MC on another machine, for example, or Plugplayer on a Touch.


--- Quote from: wombat66 on January 30, 2010, 02:16:30 am ---I would want, initially, three of those devices with a potential for four more. But here's the catch, I would need to synchonize the audio across all (or some) of the devices. Might this be possible?

--- End quote ---
Maybe.  Synchronization across a network has latency issues, but maybe.


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