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Author Topic: disc # tag and relevance in MC  (Read 2119 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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disc # tag and relevance in MC
« on: February 06, 2010, 01:40:12 pm »

Hey All,
I'm going through my collection and have a question thats been bugging me. Why is it that the disc # tag has no relevence in the views of MC.. Example:
I correctly tag say "Album A" which has two discs. Tracks 1-10 on disc 1, and tracks 1-10 on disc 2. The track number field is properly filled for both, and the disc # field is filled correct as well.
However, in all the views that I can find, it always displays the tracks like Doubling up and messing with the actual order.
Up until this point I've resorted to labeling all the discs "Album A (Disc 1)" "Album A (Disc 2)", but that doesn't seem very elegant, because j river just treats it as two separate albums in the album pane, which shouldn't really be necessary. Any ideas?
I appreciate your feedback!


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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 02:05:03 pm »

Just need to change the sorting, Right-click on the tree view and pick customize view or click on the tab and pick customize view.

If your using grouping, look on the bottom left of the window and look for Sort Inside Groups By and pick customize. Use the ADD and REMOVE buttons to customize the sorting. You can also drag the items to the position you want.

There is also another sorting option that allows you to sort outside of groups or if you're not using grouping it will be the default sorting. In the customize view window, look on the right hand side and click Advance > set rules for file display. In the new window, under modify results look for sort by if this does not exist look for the Add New Modifier button and click it. Change the sorting the way you want.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 02:16:54 pm »



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2010, 05:40:26 am »

Question.. kinda related...
Is there any way to create a custom grouping? For instance I would like to group by Album, Disc #
That way my group pane and album thumbnail pane would show the discs separate of one another, even though the album has the same name across all discs.
Thanks in advance!


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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2010, 06:01:49 am »

Question.. kinda related...
Is there any way to create a custom grouping? For instance I would like to group by Album, Disc #
That way my group pane and album thumbnail pane would show the discs separate of one another, even though the album has the same name across all discs.
Thanks in advance!
You can achieve custom grouping by adding custom library fields.

So, for your example, you would go to "Tools > Options > Library and folders" and click on "Manage Library Fields"

Click on the "Add new field" button and you will be asked for a field name. I have created a few of these fields that I use specifically for custom grouping and have named mine all beginning with "vs-grp_". This keeps them all together in the list, and serves to remind me what the field is used for much later on when I've forgotten!!

Once you've picked a name, you will be presented with field editor dialogue.
You can leave everything here at default.
Select "Calculated data" and enter [album] - [disc #] into the expression field.
Click the OK button.
Click the OK button again.

Go to the view you wish to be grouped by [album] - [disc #] and choose your new field from the grouping options for that view.


Alex B

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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2010, 06:30:32 am »

[Album] - [Disc #] works, but it doesn't look nice when there's no disc number. I just tried a bit more advanced rule, but for some reason it didn't work. The rule is:

[Year - Album]If(IsEmpty([Disc #],1),,/ /(CD[Disc #]/))

-- which creates values like: 1993 - The Singles Collection (CD2)  or  1983 - Let's Dance  (when the Disc # field has no value)

The resulting field values are fine in a column, but MC can't use the field for grouping. The groups show up as grouped by [Album].

On the other hand, the built-in [Year - Album] field can be used for grouping.

The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2010, 08:23:56 am »

Nice extension there Alex.

Not sure what's up at your end, but when used to create a field, and subsequently grouping by that field, it works fine here.

I added [album artist (auto)] to the front of the string so as to keep the artists together in a non-filtered list.
The only thing it didn't work round, was for the few compilation albums I have that have individual track release dates rather than album release dates. For those, it made a mess with the same album appearing throughout the "Multiple Artists" section for each year involved. All that did was remind me that I meant to correct those years ago and still haven't done so!!!

Final string I used was: [Album Artist (Auto)] - [Year - Album]If(IsEmpty([Disc #],1),,/ /(CD[Disc #]/))


Alex B

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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2010, 02:21:44 pm »

Not sure what's up at your end, but when used to create a field, and subsequently grouping by that field, it works fine here.

Oddly it simply doesn't work for me.

Final string I used was: [Album Artist (Auto)] - [Year - Album]If(IsEmpty([Disc #],1),,/ /(CD[Disc #]/))

I copy-pasted your string into my user field, but it doesn't work any better.

I attached two screenshots. The first one shows the incorrect grouping in a library view. The user field is in the view as a column. Even though the calculated values are correct, the view is grouped by [Album].

The second screenshot shows the view settings.

(Log in to the forum if you can't see the attachments.)
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2010, 03:27:47 pm »

Strange. Did you try reinforcing the grouping setting using the "Group by > a-z > " option in the header menu?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2010, 04:50:01 pm »

 ;D That custom field calculation worked exactly how I was looking to display my albums!
Thank you so much. I wouldn't have figured that one out with the assist!
+1,000,000 points to you

Alex B

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Re: disc # tag and relevance in MC
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2010, 05:22:36 pm »

Did you try reinforcing the grouping setting using the "Group by > a-z > " option in the header menu?

Yes. My user field was already selected in that menu and trying to reselect it there didn't change the behavior.
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