Ok so they are not idiots,may i say that ,from outside,they do not look that intelligent?
Of cause i understand they are frustated
But they had to be frustated when Napster was out-it is now a 5 years old storie-put them to justice AND GIVE PEOPLE AN ALTERNATIVE
Except Emusic,the only way to get music on the web is to steal it.
Do you think that if a kind of service like Emusic with they catalogue on it AT CHEAP PRICE.I know you said it cost to do it,but they will have millions people paying every month
So do you thing that people will use any p2p?
If they had put music on the net at this time,no Kazza,no Imesh,no Audiogalaxy.Just few very underground places and FTP
They look like communist dictature.And,out of the blue,in few hours the Berlin wall is down,in few days Romania is free
Now read it .Outside US there is a site with music.U2-REM-all the mtv junk to download.LEGAL,you pay $ 25 a month for unlimited downloads,mp3 or Windows format,free to burn if you want
I gave you once the adress,but not to everyone,cause the site was ,let say primitive,.I got an email from them telling me that they improved a lot.I will take a 'one night download' and check it
You start to know me...so i wanted to understand really what was going on
My lawyer -who is a friend- and speaks spanish,contacted them.Telling a "big story ' kind of wanting to put announcement on they site and so on,but wanting to be sure everything is ok
I asked my father who knows many hight level people in this country
This site is 100% legal.They put music that are only on spanish labels,and they pay the spanish riaa for each download
There is NO limitation about the place from where people download.
Just,one download=? cents
If,after my next try i see that they are ok now-the tag of mp3 was really bad and windows format without tags- of cause i will give the adress around me
So why are they putting the last Pink at x dollars no burnable,no transferable when there is a 100% LEGAL place when you can get it cheap and burnable
Now if they think they can close a 100% legal site according to the spanish law in a country who dislike USA.i want to see it...