you haven't mentionned power dvd ^^ .
but i think u need it cuz on this thread it's wrote :
Requirements: Your going to need to have installed and working in their own right:
1) Blu-ray (HD-DVD) Player
2) Arcsoft TMT (my preferred playback SW) / Cyberlink PowerDVD HD (you should have the SW with the purchase of your drive)
3) AutoHotkey ( this is a freebie scripting app that does all the work, there will be others apps like Girder but you will need to create your own script)
4) JR Media Center of course!
What you need to do: Here is how to configure the lot to work together:
1) In MC "Tools --> Options --> Theaterview --> Add (Items To Show) --> External Program" and in the three fields enter --> Name: Blu-ray Program: "C:\Program Files\CyberLink\PowerDVD\PowerDVD.exe" d: (note: including the ", the path for your Archsoft / PowerDVD install and the drive letter that is your Blu-ray Drive)
So it's seems that u need another soft.
I'm faulty i was thinking MC14 support natively blue ray but it seems that no sorry