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Author Topic: Question: Automatic Import - Track Order in 'Recently Imported' List?  (Read 1561 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Since I've switched from 'forced' import to 'automatic' import of music albums I often get a mess in my 'Recently Imported' playlist - which makes it harder to update the tags then.

With forced import I only sometimes get a track not listed at the right place.

With automatic import I get whole blocks of tracks somewhere else where they don't belong.

I suppose this is because it's a Quad CPU which can process several track blocks at once...

Is there any way to prevent this situation? Can I somehow block the import of one album (all tracks) to get processed by just one of the cores?

Please advise! thanks :)


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Re: Question: Automatic Import - Track Order in 'Recently Imported' List?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 06:14:14 pm »



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Re: Question: Automatic Import - Track Order in 'Recently Imported' List?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2010, 10:15:56 am »

Could you elaborate a bit on what you mean by imports to the wrong place? Do you mean out of order? If so you can easilly sort the recently imported list any way you like, including by directory.


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Re: Question: Automatic Import - Track Order in 'Recently Imported' List?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2010, 12:20:01 pm »

If I import let's say 50 albums at once, these 50 albums show up in the "Recently Imported" playlist, but not in the order Album 1, Album 2 etc with all their tracks sorted track # 01, 02 etc - they sometimes show up Album 26, track 02 to 15, then Album 02, track 01 to 14, then Album 11, track 02, 01, 03 thru 24, then rest tracks of Album 26, track 01, tracks 16 to 21 and so on

Why are they not just imported the right way? At least I'd think it should be possible to import all tracks of one album together in the sequence of the tracks...

In "forced import" via Windows Explorer the albums are in the correct sequence and normally the tracks are too; only sometimes track 01 may be listed between tracks 02 and 03, but it's by far not such a mess like with the automatic import function. Sure, I can mark a block of tracks and move them up and down. But it's just a lot more work to go and sort first the tracks to the right albums so that the manual tagging can take place. My "old" workflow also imported pictures (although switched off everywhere) because it was "forced" import via WinExplorer. Everyone advised me to use "automatic import", which would be a better workflow. But if I have to sort my tracks manually to the right albums I better go back to the old workflow... :(

I try out another sorting mechanism/structure as you suggested. Probably I can solve my problem like that. I just hope that the function 'set track numbers according to sequence number' still works then, because the sequence numbers will be mixed up... but we'll see


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Re: Question: Automatic Import - Track Order in 'Recently Imported' List?
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2010, 06:22:55 pm »

I think the reason they show up out of order is that the import process is multi-threaded so you don't always see a whole album imported togther etc. Performance wise that is a good thing. As for sorting, I believe once you set the sort order, it will remember it going forward.
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