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Author Topic: HELP!!! All Of My DVD Movie Info Is Gone!  (Read 1452 times)


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HELP!!! All Of My DVD Movie Info Is Gone!
« on: February 26, 2010, 08:58:31 pm »

i tagged all my movies, actors description directors etc... then i chose them all and chose clean file properties. so that i could fix the casing and underscores etc...

all my movies that were VIDEO_TS  there info is gone in jriver. all the names are now VIDEO_TS and when i goto file location all the sidecars are still there and the info is still there. so then i tried to select all the video_ts files and chose update library from tags and all of them error on me, and no tag info gets filled in in jriver?

i went the folder locations and now there are folders in all my dvd folders called video ts. There use to only be Audio_TS and VIDEO_TS. and in those video ts folders there is another jriver sidecar and a Video ts.dvd:1 file

over 800 of my movies are missing info. i dont wanna touch a thing in hopes i can get this back the way i had it.. i really hope i dont have to retag these?  Why did this happen?

i have tried an undo but it's not fixen them.

Any help guys would be much appreciated
Thank You In Advance.


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Re: HELP!!! All Of My DVD Movie Info Is Gone!
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 09:20:56 pm »

well i dont knwo how the heck this happened or could happen.. but this is DANGEROUS!

in all my dvd movie folders now as i said theres audio_ts and VIDEO_ts And video ts.. jriver when  chose clean file properties. removed VIDEO_TS.IFO and put it into a folder it made called video ts and named it Video Ts.dvd;1  i renamed them VIDEO_TS.IFO and then drug it back into the VIDEO _TS Folder and the files play and also the update library from tags worked.. so now i have to manually go through all my folders look for the dvd files and rename them then drag them back to the original folder then delete the folder jriver made.

why did this happen? how can i avoid this Ever happening again?

Alex B

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Re: HELP!!! All Of My DVD Movie Info Is Gone!
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2010, 04:55:11 am »

Oops, probably you didn't untick the Filename, Filename (name) and/or Filename (path) tickboxes when you used the cleaning tool.

DVD videos are only referenced through the special "DVD files on a hard drive" structure. That's why there is the additional ";1" filename extension. MC can't actually rename or move the various "DVD disk files".

Before doing any big changes like that you should always rehearse the procedure with one or a few test files (or "DVD videos in a folder" in this case).

There may be a few ways mass fix the problem by using an external tool for naming the folders back to VIDEO_TS ...* and then using the internal tools creatively for restoring the original filenames or by simply importing the files as new since the metadata should be stored in the sidecar files. In order to give specific instructions I would need to know more about your file naming system. Perhaps you could upload a couple of sample sidecar files.

Actually, are you saying that you don't have a recent library backup file? I always create a new backup file before any big tagging or renaming tasks and another one immediately after the operation if everything went well.

In addition, I also store my video metadata in MPL files that I export to the roots of my video folders. Sidecar files are good for individual files, but MPL makes possible to do externally "find and replace" operations that fix or change all included files.

* EDIT: ...or are the original VIDEO_TS folders still intact? That would make the fixing process easier.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: HELP!!! All Of My DVD Movie Info Is Gone!
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2010, 10:16:21 am »

ohh Alex.. that was a nightmare! not as bad as it could of been though i guess. total repair job took me over 7hrs.

so i started out with all dvd files missing the info. (originally there was just a Audio_ts and Video_ts Folder)and in the folder structure with all movies having an extra folder with video ts and in that folder a file named Video Ts_dvd_JRSidecar.xml and a file named Video Ts.dvd;1  so i went to backup drive and looked at all files for a movie that was saved and noticed there was no longer a file named VIDEO_TS.IFO  in the movie folders or ANY FILES NAMED Video Ts_dvd_JRSidecar.xml, Video Ts.dvd;1

(So i gambled) and renamed Video Ts.dvd;1 to VIDEO_TS.IFO, then went back to jriver and tried playing the file. it worked. so i went through all drives did a search for Video Ts.dvd;1 and then drug all those files to flash renamer and renamed them VIDEO_TS.IFO then went through each drive in explorer in the tree pain view and drug those VIDEO_TS.IFO back to the original VIDEO_TS folder. then did a recheck in jriver and the movies played. so then i did a auto import... HOLY HANNAH it added all vts files for each movie! AND NONE OF MY TAGS WERE THERE..what had happened? so then i went back to the one video ts folder and looked and noticed that what i thought was the same.xml file had been changed from VIDEO_TS_ifo_JRSidecar to Video Ts_dvd_JRSidecar.xml to . which i didnt notice the first time and had already went through all movies manually. 3.5 hrs of work i decided to gamble again and go to movie drives do a search for every Video Ts_dvd_JRSidecar.xml  and then i drug all those into flash renamer and renamed them all to VIDEO_TS_ifo_JRSidecar. then went back to all movie drives and in the tree copy and replaced the jriversidecar.xml file in the VIDEO_TS folder. (After i was done. another 3.5 hours I WAS SWEATING BULLETS. i realized i had just copied all .xml files over the other .xml files that were already in there. i was crossing my fingers it would work! i went to jriver did a auto import. and LUCKILY they all fixed themselves.

Thank you for the reply. could you tell me why jriver would make new folders called video ts? why didnt it just rename the VIDEO_TS folder To video ts? why did it make another folder? and why did it change the names of VIDEO_TS_ifo_JRSidecar, and VIDEO_TS.IFO. to names that were totally diffrent ex... Video Ts_dvd_JRSidecar.xml and Video Ts.dvd;1 ? i never gave it those directions, or wrote in anywhere on clean file properties what to rename them to. i dont understand how it can change the name if i didnt tell it what to change it.

thank you Alex
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