Well - actually it is Logitech that doesn’t support MJ - not the other way around (check the keyboards list of supported players).
When I was new to MJ I had the same problem like you and found the solution here on interact.
You have to add a line to Logitech’s "players.ini" file.
"players.ini", on my computer, is placed here:
"c:\Program Files\Logitech\iTouch\players.ini"
Place this line (without the quotes) just under the [Players] section:
"MediaJukebox=cmd,media jukebox.exe,MJFrame,MEDIA JUKEBOX,xxx,32778,32779,32780,32781,32782,0,1,Media Jukebox"
I have the Logitech cordless desktop (cordless mouse & keyboard) and on the keyboard is button called "Media". Pressing this, pops up a list of registered players.
If you wan't to add MJ to this list you have to add a key in the registry.
Save the text below into a file called something like "mj.reg", double-click on it from the explorer and accept adding the key to the registry:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\mplayer2.exe]
@="\"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\mplayer2.exe\""
"Path"="\"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\""
Now restart the computer and hit – now MJ should pop up in the list. ;o)