you cant. and i agree 100% that it would look better 'staight ahead'. i know enough people like how it looks, but for me this 3d rotation stuff looks like some kid cut of pieces from my coverart, i miss the horizon and the 3d eyes. the cover is the art, and the rotation disturbs it. one would not do that with a van Gogh

i actually think it could be bound to how it is set in standard view. when one sets a vizualization in standard view it shows up that way in Theater View also. just not when you set it for coverart and its options.

edit.. to be more precise. when one looks to an image (or movie) one sees it from the point the camara stood, when rotating the images that point disappears in the computer. the perspectives get disrupted. when someone is watching a movie, or some photographs he will do that straight in front and not with a 30 degree angle. but that is what happens with the coverart. and the cheaper the place i choose (its a theater, so the bigger the angle) the worse the effect.