I have a Sansa e250 2gb, which has served me well, but is too small. so ive upgraded it with a 8gb microsd card. that works beautifully. MC14 is the only player that ive used (since wmp 9) that is able to get the album art right. wmp 11 and 12 both dont, and the only way to get it otherwise is by manually making a 200x200 album art.jpg in the folder for each album.
but after installing MC14, i was pleasantly surprised that it could correctly detect my sansa, and that it worked with album art. i sync my music to the microsd card, and as of yet, almost everything has working album art. but there are a couple cds/songs that wont transfer right. they show up on the player, but one or more of their tags are messed up. usually they are missing album art, and the title or artist is some wierd chinese characters or such. when i reconnect it to resync, it shows those songs as needing to be synced, though they are already on it.
ive formatted the device multiple times, and tried a variety of sync options. all of them cause the same files to have the same problems.
my library is varied, most is mp3, from 128 to 320kbs, and about 1/3 of it is flac. because my e250 cant play flac, and has limited space, ive gone in the options and set it to reencode everything into lame mp3 at 96kbs (ive just got cheap wal-mart headphones, and thats all i use it for, so theres not a lot of difference) to save space.
i'm not sure if its because it needs to convert the files that causes problems, or if its a setting somewhere that ive overlooked.
but i would be very appreciative if you could help me out