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Author Topic: Remote Server for Web Interface Not Working [solved]  (Read 3070 times)

Steve Ray

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Remote Server for Web Interface Not Working [solved]
« on: March 19, 2010, 12:38:02 pm »

I wanted to see what the "web interface" for control of Media Center looks like so I did what the wiki help pages say to do to enable this but it does NOT work.  (ie; On the music server (Fozzie), I went into Tools>Options>Startup>Run Remote Server and ticked the checkbox - Port 80 is fine so I left it on 80)  Then I went to the remote laptop (MissPiggy) and launched Internet Explorer and tried to connect to "http://Fozzie:80" - The laptop times out and tells me "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".  Both computers are hardwired (not wireless) on the same network behind the firewall.  I can ping Fozzie from MissPiggy and I can ping MissPiggy from Fozzie so it's definitely not name resolution - Both names resolve to IPs and both systems respond to the pings - However, just to be sure I tried entering the resolved IP address "" as the url and I get the same symptom.  

I KNOW I had this working two years ago under v 12 so has something changed in the newest version or am I just being stupid?  (I'm running v 14.0.155 of Media Center now.)

Any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards to the group



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Re: Remote Server for Web Interface Not Working...
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 01:56:07 pm »

Vista or Win7 ?
Could be trying to access a privileged port (80). Try 8080.

Steve Ray

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Re: Remote Server for Web Interface Not Working...
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2010, 02:04:47 pm »

Both systems are running XP with SP3.  Port 80 is commonly for the internet browser which is why I think Jim chose it as the default.  Furthermore both systems are connected to a smart 16 port gigabit switch whichs means, in therory at least, they shouldn't even be seeing the router for this operation! It's acting like the web server isn't starting up!



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Re: Remote Server for Web Interface Not Working...
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2010, 03:01:18 pm »

Do you see the MC icon in the system tray of the PC acting as the Media Server?
Perhaps a 3rd party firewall preventing Media Server from getting connections?

I tried it here with the latest 14 on my Win 7 netbook. Works fine. It even works on Port 80 (I am in a home network configuration).
Try a different browser on the laptop? I'm just guessing at this point.


Steve Ray

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Re: Remote Server for Web Interface Not Working...
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2010, 07:38:08 am »

Found the problem!  Apparantly, when I renewed my ESET Anti-Virus license several months ago, the software decided to "help" me by installing a firewall on my MC Server that it didn't tell me about!  Turned the firewall off and the web page popped right up.

Now that I've finally seen what the Web Interface looks like, I can't say that it looks very useful, though.. 

I have MC in the basement running three independent zones; front yard, back yard, and a 7.1 surround system for home theater in the basement.  What I'm looking for is something I can put out in the front and back yards for remote control of the CD playlists and volume levels in the two zones when we are entertaining.  I'm thinking something along the lines of a netbook would be ideal.  I haven't researched this yet, but can one instance of MC running on one PC take remote control of another instance of MC running on another? 

Probably ought to start another thread on that subject! Thanks again for all the help!

Best Regards!   


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Re: Remote Server for Web Interface Not Working...
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2010, 09:11:54 am »

I have MC in the basement running three independent zones; front yard, back yard, and a 7.1 surround system for home theater in the basement.  What I'm looking for is something I can put out in the front and back yards for remote control of the CD playlists and volume levels in the two zones when we are entertaining.  I'm thinking something along the lines of a netbook would be ideal.  I haven't researched this yet, but can one instance of MC running on one PC take remote control of another instance of MC running on another?  
There is a lot of development on the web remote going on in version 15.

In version 14, try turning on the DLNA features. I can easily send music from my server upstairs to a zone downstairs using a third computer or for that matter the first or second computer using DLNA. It's very flexible.
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