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Author Topic: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released  (Read 25591 times)


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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #50 on: July 18, 2009, 12:50:02 am »

After a hiatus of a month or so... I've just released Version 0.10.0

I've removed some the jQuery Theme switcher on the Remote Edit page - seemed to be causing issues.
The server now supports GZip encoding, so if your browser supports it (most do) - download should be faster.
Also added is the ability to control the playback position by clicking on the playback progress bar.

Please see here for the full list of changes.

You can download the newest version from here.
Looking to control J River Media Center from your Windows Phone?: Look for nMedium & nMedium Play in the WP store


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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.1 released
« Reply #51 on: August 02, 2009, 12:38:42 am »

I've just released Version 0.10.1

I've readded the jQuery Theme switcher on the Remote Edit page - and generally fixed the support for theming (the theme is now remembered between sessions).
I've also fixed an issue where the Stop options would cause MC to crash in very specific situations.

Please see here for the full list of changes.

You can download the newest version from here.

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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.1 released
« Reply #52 on: August 17, 2009, 12:01:45 am »

I've just released Version 0.10.1

Hi Grant

Just wondering if you've tested out your app against MC14?    The download page mentions MC13 up, but I've just tried to install it, and it doesn't allow installation and sends me to a link to download MC13?   (I've just recently upgraded from 13 to 14)

Perhaps the app works against 14, it's just the installer that is not letting us past?




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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #53 on: August 17, 2009, 01:27:50 am »

Hi Kane,

MC14 essentially adds the functionality of this application, out of the box (tremote). So I'm not sure why you'd want to install it at all...?

However, technically the HTTP remote control does work in MC14 - it's just the installer that has a problem. I may release a separate installer if there's still a call for it.
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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #54 on: November 11, 2009, 08:51:51 am »

It doesn't seem this will install on MC14...  any easy workaround?


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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #55 on: November 11, 2009, 03:49:11 pm »

IlPadrino: See the posting just above yours for the answer to your question.

Having said that :

I'm currently in the process of a very big update to the inner workings of this software. Once this is done I'll make it available for MC14 (there are things that tremote can't currently do, and may not be supported at all - so I'm looking to fill in the gaps)

Also, as opposed to tremote, this software will be able to work on a 'dumb' machine - with only a browser installed (think Google OS, or an internet tablet)
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Robert Taylor

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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #56 on: November 11, 2009, 08:32:28 pm »

I was also going to ask about MC14 support.

To me, your plugin is WAY better than any other I have tried for doing this.

The most common thing I want my remote to do is change volume from outside, and skip tracks within the current Playing Now list.

I love the other functionality your software provides, and I have got it working by installing MC13, installing the software and copying the plugin over directly from the MC13 to MC14 plugins folder.

Works a treat!

Bring on the new version

Thanks for your efforts - Good to see more Australian stuff out there!


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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #57 on: November 12, 2009, 10:15:19 pm »

Can we get MC14 support in the installer please?



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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #58 on: November 12, 2009, 11:12:35 pm »

Hi Osho,

As per my above post: it's on its way.

As a workaround in the mean time, you can install it if you also install MC13 (after which it will be available in both 13 and 14)

After you install my software, you can un-install MC13

The new version of my software is about a week away
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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #59 on: November 13, 2009, 09:29:09 am »

The new version of my software is about a week away

Thanks - looking forward to it.



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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #60 on: November 22, 2009, 09:10:04 pm »

Thanks for your efforts - Good to see more Australian stuff out there!

Australian!  Well, i best support my fellow Ausie and will be downloading and providing feedback on the MC14 version as soon as you release it...assuming the 1000 beers I am about to drink tonight do not remove these brain cells!

Outstanding work mate.  Keep up the good work!


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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #61 on: December 08, 2009, 12:06:59 am »

Sorry for the delay in releasing the next version. We'd like to give a bit of an explanation:

The current 0.10 release utilises an in-house built web server to serve the remote control pages and control logic. This server has always been the bottleneck and weakest point of the software (if you've ever tried to write a highly performant web server - you'll know the challenges - and the HTTP protocol is a very dry read...).

One of the major issues is with the lack of ability to propertly handle persistent connections - which can lead to saturation of network resources.

We made a decision to investigate the integration of an existing 3rd party HTTP server to replace the inhouse one. After much searching and evaluation, one was found which we thought suited our needs, and developement progressed down that path.

Unfortunately, at the 11th hour a major, insurmountable issue was discovered, and the whole revision had to be basically thrown away.

The only options we have for going forward are;

1. Go back to the old server code, and try to work out how to fix the myriad issues.
2. Utilise another option, the best of which is a commercial component which fits the needs perefectly, yet has a cost associated with it.

We are of the opinion that option 1  isn't really an option - so we're lead to option 2.

Unfortunately this will have a flow on effect to require us to make the remote control software "commercial" in order to recoup the costs of the component - i.e. it will have a licencing fee. This would probably be quite small ($5 - $10) - but does represent a change away from the donation-ware that this currently is. We'll work it so that there will be a trial period of course.

I'd like to get people's feedback on how happy they would be to pay an 'enforced' licencing fee - before we actually purchase the component and do the rework.
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Robert Taylor

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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #62 on: December 12, 2009, 06:54:52 pm »

I for one will happily pay a fee for use of this software, as it suits my needs perfectly.

I'm curious, though, why the need to move away from the initial code? It seemed to perfrom quite well as far as I could tell.

I used it both from a Windows 7 laptop with various browsers, and from an iPod Touch with built-in Safari browser, both wirelessy accesing the Media Center PC in my lounge.

Anyhoo...if it become a paid-for accessory, I will pay up no problems, as I can't see any other apps which do the same job in such an elegant way.



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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #63 on: December 14, 2009, 09:39:09 am »

Unfortunately this will have a flow on effect to require us to make the remote control software "commercial" in order to recoup the costs of the component - i.e. it will have a licencing fee. This would probably be quite small ($5 - $10) - but does represent a change away from the donation-ware that this currently is. We'll work it so that there will be a trial period of course.
I'd like to get people's feedback on how happy they would be to pay an 'enforced' licencing fee - before we actually purchase the component and do the rework.

To be honest, I haven't actually been able to see the product yet, so I'm not sure if it does what I want it to do, but I wouldn't be phased about paying a fee to use it..

In terms of what I want to do - I wouldn't be controlling MC via a web browser, but instead by sending http requests from my custom application running on another PC..   Yes, I know that MC's Web Service interface should handle this, but it doesn't even have a way of finding out the name of the current song, and I think it is too low on their priority list to spend time on it.

I have a application that is running on a wall mounted touchscreen PC, and MC running on a different PC.   I want to be able to control MC from the touchscreen application..   I've tried running a second copy of MC on the touchscreen PC (in Tremote mode) so that it controls the other MC instance,  but when I try to access the MC COM object from my application, it tells me the remote zones have no items in their playlists (but if I run the same app on the other PC, it returns the correct information)

Anyway, would love to know when you're able to release a MC14 compatible version.





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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2009, 02:45:26 pm »

In terms of what I want to do - I wouldn't be controlling MC via a web browser, but instead by sending http requests from my custom application running on another PC..   Yes, I know that MC's Web Service interface should handle this, but it doesn't even have a way of finding out the name of the current song, and I think it is too low on their priority list to spend time on it.

Hey Kane,

This is actually the primary reason this software was built - to provide a full set of web accessible methods into Media Center... the web interface was just a side project to show off what it could do.

Very impressed that you have these plans for it...

As indicated a few posts above, you can "trick" the software into installing by installing a trial version on MC13, then uninstalling it after the remote control software.
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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2009, 05:38:43 pm »

Hey Kane,

This is actually the primary reason this software was built - to provide a full set of web accessible methods into Media Center... the web interface was just a side project to show off what it could do.

Very impressed that you have these plans for it...

As indicated a few posts above, you can "trick" the software into installing by installing a trial version on MC13, then uninstalling it after the remote control software.

Thanks Grant

Will try an install of MC13 - out of interest, what does the installer look for during installation - registry keys, or the existence of certain files?   



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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #66 on: December 14, 2009, 07:27:10 pm »

what does the installer look for during installation

It's looking for specific registry keys for the app, the new version uses a COM CLASSID lookup
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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #67 on: December 14, 2009, 07:30:38 pm »

It's looking for specific registry keys for the app, the new version uses a COM CLASSID lookup

I'm assuming it'd be too much of a hack to manually add those registry keys into the registry to make it think MC13 is installed?    Otherwise, I'll just install it, but not too keen on downgrading them upgrading again.




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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #68 on: December 14, 2009, 07:41:35 pm »

I'm assuming it'd be too much of a hack to manually add those registry keys into the registry to make it think MC13 is installed?    Otherwise, I'll just install it, but not too keen on downgrading them upgrading again.
MC13 and MC14 can be installed together without any problems.


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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2010, 12:26:14 pm »

I was running HTTP Remote Control for quite a while - it was installed in MC13, then I switched to MC14 (leaving MC13 on the system). This morning I uninstalled MC13 and lost HTTP Remote Control functionality - cannot reinstall without reinstalling MC13. Is the fix coming any time soon?
Great plugin! Thanks!


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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #70 on: March 01, 2010, 05:06:09 am »

I'm also keen on trying this when the installer for MC14 is out...
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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #71 on: March 01, 2010, 02:55:14 pm »

I'm also keen on trying this when the installer for MC14 is out...

+1... tremote works well, but is windows based - if this works on the iPhone

(and the iPad I guess) Safari browser that would be great, but I would need a MC14 version


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Re: HTTP Remote Control - version 0.10.0 released
« Reply #72 on: April 02, 2010, 10:32:36 am »

One month on and not even a reply!... and now we're on MC15 (with WebRemote)...I wont hold my breath then  ;D
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