I have roughly 2 weeks left on my trial period. I am primarily in ripping mode but am also organising music files somewhat in MC. I still have about 200 CDs to rip so I will be some time with this. Eventually I plan to play music via a nice DAC which I don't yet have and a music and video server which I don't yet have. Thus when I buy MC I need to be able to run it on the server and likely also on a PC. I have a couple questions:
1/ Will I loose any of the work I have done already to the MC library?
2/ I wont need MC until I have all my hardware so perhaps it makes sense for me to down load a later version in a couple of months – would I loose the work I have done to my MC music library; what remains after the trial period and before a paid for version is loaded?
3/ Can I download MC15 to USB flash memory and then load this into the PC and later onto my music server, and does it instead make sense to download MC14 (which is the version offered on the purchase page) and download a later version of 15 once it is more fully developed.