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Author Topic: Does any one know of a way or a program  (Read 1118 times)


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Does any one know of a way or a program
« on: June 28, 2002, 07:22:09 am »

to get rid of duplicate WMA Files.  I do wish that MJ would do that for you.

Can any one help with


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RE:Does any one know of a way or a program
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2002, 08:14:01 am »

If you have duplicates files on  your hard drive select the ones  you want to delete right click and select delete MJB will ask you if you want to delete from the library and the Hard disk. Bingo they are gone.

If you have duplicate files in your library select the files and delete them from the library.

If you have lots and lots of them clear your library and do a new search for media and limit the search to specific directories on your hard drive.


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RE:Does any one know of a way or a program
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2002, 08:53:39 am »

Hi Wolfie;

There are a lot of ways to find duplicate files, such as…

* ZD.NET, C-Net & other sites have free duplicate file finder programs that do a great job of finding duplicates.  But, note that they only remove the duplicates from your drive & not from MJ.

*  Bring up Windows File Finder… you can find this under the Windows Start Menu near the bottom, usually under “Search”.  Type in “*.WMA” (Star Dot WMA), check the box marked “Path”, check the box “ Include “subfolders”.  Then click on “Find Now”.  All the WMA files in the selected folders will show up.  To sort, click on the header at the top of any column to put like names together.  Simply delete the ones you don’t want.

But, note the above method only removes the duplicates from your drive & not from MJ.  But, see below.

* An easier way is to do it inside of MJ.  On the left hand column near the top of MJ you will see the folder called “Media Library”, click on it.  All you files will be shown sorted in alpha order.  Now select the ones you don’t want, right mouse click, select delete.  If you want to also delete the files from your hard drive be sure to check the box “Also delete file(s) from hard drive”  Now click on the “Delete” button to clean them off of MJ &/or your hard drive.


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RE:Does any one know of a way or a program
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2002, 09:46:25 am »

I have found that automatically deleting dupes can be hazardous to you music collection.  Usually, if I have dupes, I listen to both of them carefully before deleting either.  In a lot of cases, one sounds better than the other or one could be defective. You could also have duplicate files that are spelled a little differently, in which case, they won't show up as dupes. If you blindly go deleting dupes, you could be removing the good and keeping the bad.  I found a proggy that does go through your library and alerts you to duplicates (I think it's called "All My MP3s"). I'll have to dig around and see if I can find it.  I'll let ya know.  In any case, you may want to consider checking each one out before deleting.  Note, the degree of difficulty here largely depends on the size of you music library, the number of duplicates you have, and your patience.


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RE:Does any one know of a way or a program
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2002, 10:26:32 am »

He has windows format
But if you can tell me about the program,thank you

If all the songs you have are songs you want to keep,you can do like it

Open folders with 'name of the band' and 'inside' folders with 'name of the album'
I mean Windows Explorer folders
From inside Media Jukebox,send the songs to the folder
Clean your library and import one band one album
Like it you can check for quality,tags and double

Hard way but the only if you want to have all your songs of good quality

Unlike mp3 there is not much programs for wma

Ask MouseMan he will tell you about the programs

hvy duty

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RE:Does any one know of a way or a program
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2002, 10:34:30 am »

>I have found that automatically deleting dupes can be hazardous to your music collection.

Chico is right on target here.  I went though this without listening to the files and got in real trouble this was even though the file size and time were the same the sound sometimes isn't it takes time to listen to them but it is still the safest way to keep the song with the best quality. Unless you have backup's on another HD I would listen to them before I hit the Del button.
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