Great, thanks.

But you are questioning the design. I've already explained why it's a very good design for the majority of us who accept it. (And I don't know the history, but it may very well be a feature that evolved from user demand.) I've already agreed the default should be optional—so you can opt-out. I've explained the importance of the bookmarks being saved automatically, and being used without an annoying prompt.
For such a minor feature, providing the option a completely different method is going too far. Sure, it would work fine if everyone had a perfect knowledge of both methods, understood which one would work best for them, and was aware of the option settings. This is clearly not the case (e.g., "How do I delete bookmarks in my library? I don't see that option.", "How do I "stop twice"?"). Adding such an option would result in increased confusion and frustration for all, for little benefit. The better policy is to provide the design the works best for the most of users, with the option to use it or not. This is not a "the majority always wins" rule. But a minority option should only be provided if there is compelling need (e.g., the program would be unusable in the circumstances of the minority), not because some are unwilling to adapt to what is already a good design.
The design is, as I see it, to handle resume functionality on a per-file basis, which I'm not questioning at all. You might think it's a minor feature, but it's stuff like that which stopped me upgrading to 14 from 13, because the usefulness as a front-room media software is severely diminished as a result. The Wiki scraping and video file info panel in theatre view is the reason I'm giving it another chance with version 15.
I'm of the opinion that where there is anything which could cause problems for any users, is to make it an option, and default to the most common setting for the majority of users. So at the moment, it's half right.

Swings and roundabouts I guess. Like you say, the fact that there is a 'default' option implies that there was a plan at one point to make this optional.
And if I (or any user) have to
adapt to a piece of software's idiosyncrasies, then there's a warning light right there that something might need looking at. The software should adapt to
me, not the other way around.

Anyway, thanks for your help.