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Author Topic: Cyberlink Filter - MC won't use  (Read 21847 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Cyberlink Filter - MC won't use
« Reply #50 on: April 21, 2010, 05:00:06 pm »

So it's still having these minor hiccups almost always on the 2nd file played.  I'm going to try and load up the newest build and see if it works.  Who knows it may have been caused by some of the stuff I've corrected because I can say that this happens in theatre view and so far not in standard view.

I'll post after I debug tonight.


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Re: Cyberlink Filter - MC won't use
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2010, 11:54:07 pm »

I still have's not working.  It works fine with microsoft filters but nothing else...its better but still not perfect. 

Any idea how to know what microsoft wmp is using?  It's playing a 1080 file no probs and not matter what I did inside of jrmc it was choppy as hell.  Funny enough wmp plays great...



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Re: Cyberlink Filter - MC won't use
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2010, 08:28:16 am »

It's on and off and likely will be for the rest of my days here.  I'm frustrated.  I just find it very, very odd that windows media player can play these files fine but when I get them into jrmc it chops all to hell.

I'm sure "it's my fault" as it always is but I'd love to be able to make an apples to apples comparison with wmp and jrmc.  I'm pretty sure I know what wmp is using but can't say for sure and I know people will hang their hat on that fact.

Odd though isn't it.


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Re: Cyberlink Filter - MC won't use
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2010, 08:56:26 am »

It's on and off and likely will be for the rest of my days here.  I'm frustrated.  I just find it very, very odd that windows media player can play these files fine but when I get them into MC it chops all to hell.
Windows 7?  Win7 has some filters that only MS can use.  If that's the case, the problem may be just the filters or the renderer you use.

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Re: Cyberlink Filter - MC won't use
« Reply #54 on: April 26, 2010, 08:32:26 am »

You may benefit from reading this thread.

Also, there may be an option on Cyberlink decoder to use hardware acceleration.  Try checking or unchecking that option.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center
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