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Author Topic: most played smartlist  (Read 2180 times)


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most played smartlist
« on: May 01, 2010, 11:40:12 am »


I know that i have asked this question before but i lost the information, so could someone please help. What i need is a smartlist that lists the most played songs but have a limit of 100 songs. I'd also like to have several of these smartlists so that one smartlist would be the 100 most played, then a second smartlist that would have the next 100 most played songs and so on.

Any help would greatly appreciated.



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Re: most played smartlist
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2010, 01:56:30 pm »

Well, the default "Top Hits" playlist already lists your 100 most played tracks, using something like this query:
Code: [Select]
[Number Plays]=>0 ~sort=[Number Plays]-d ~n=100 ~seq
Now, armed with that information you should be able to create a new list that lists the next 100 (100-200) by using something like this:
Code: [Select]
[Number Plays]=>0 ~sort=[Number Plays]-d ~n=200 ~seq ~sort=[Sequence]-d ~n=100 ~sort=[Sequence](for played tracks 200-300, replace ~n=200 with ~n=300, and ~n=400 for tracks 300-400...)

It should work. At least it did when I quickly tested it right now.

Hope this helps :)
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Alex B

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Re: most played smartlist
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2010, 02:15:00 pm »

Here is how I did it:

"Top 201-300" would have the first two playlists excluded and so on.

It works for me. The only essential sort rule is "Number Plays (z-a)". However, it is useful to have some additional sort rules so that the tracks will appear in the same order whenever the lists are browsed.

For instance, my Top 401-500 list contains only tracks that have been played eight times and also the Top 301-400 and Top 501-600 lists have some of those "eights". The three additional sort rules I have seem to be enough for preserving the order.

Code: [Select]
[Number Plays]=>0 ~sort=[Number Plays]-d ~n=200 ~seq ~sort=[Sequence]-d ~n=100 ~sort=[Sequence]

This might have a problem if there are lots of tracks with identical "Number Plays" values. Like in my example, a few additional sort rules might help.
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Re: most played smartlist
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2010, 02:27:52 pm »

This might have a problem if there are lots of tracks with identical "Number Plays" values. Like in my example, a few additional sort rules might help.

Actually, that's not a problem at all :) By sorting by [Sequence] it's always using the same order as the first list. I encountered that problem initially, when not using [Sequence] to sort (I have a *lot* of identical play counts), which is why I ended up doing it this way. As an added bonus, the tracks are now listed with the correct counters all these playlists as well (my 101-200 list starts with 101, and the next list with 201 and so on). In case my explanation is bad (it usually is ;)), here's a couple of screens explaining what I mean:

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Alex B

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Re: most played smartlist
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2010, 02:44:22 pm »

I wonder how MC determines the sequence numbers. In a static playlist it is the list order, but a smartlist doesn't have a static order.


It seems to be the sequence order in the same list when the number of tracks is not limited. However, probably it would be useful to control how that big list is sorted with a few additional sort rules.


For example, "Top 401-500":

[Media Type]=[Audio] [Number Plays]=>0 ~sort=[Number Plays]-d,[Last Played]-d,[Artist],[Name] ~n=500 ~seq ~sort=[Sequence]-d ~n=100 ~sort=[Sequence]

The sequence number column in the list view is indeed nice.
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Re: most played smartlist
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2010, 03:14:01 am »

This is exactly what i needed, thanks to everyone who helped, i really appreciated it.

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