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Author Topic: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here  (Read 9309 times)


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Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« on: May 26, 2010, 05:05:50 am »

This is the latest version of MC 15.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

15.0.49 (5/25/2010)

1. Changed: Improved detection of Windows Mobile 6.5 devices for WebPlay, WebRemote, etc.
2. Fixed: CD Ripping with the external encoder was causing crashes.
3. Changed: Improved audio conversion options in DLNA server settings. Added low/medium/high bandwidth mp3 options and removed options that didn't make sense.
4. Fixed: WebPlay conversion was not always working properly.
5. Changed: The JRiver Gizmo Android application is used for WebPlay playback of single files and playlists instead of just for playback of playlists.
6. NEW: The JRiver Gizmo Android application shows cover art and metadata during playback. (requires reinstallation from WebPlay homepage)

15.0.48 (5/20/2010)

1. Optimized: When changing the volume of a server zone while connected as a Library Server Client (TRemote), the response is faster.
2. Optimized: Improved performance of communicating with a Library Server from a client.
3. Optimized: Better performance of core server engine that powers Library Server, DLNA, WebPlay, etc.
4. Changed: When closing the program with a zone that's no longer available selected, the program will revert to the first zone instead of the last zone on restart.
5. Changed: Quicktime file types (mov and qt) will be played using DirectShow if Playback Method for these file types is set to "Automatic" AND Quicktime has not been installed.
6. Fixed: The Theater View online media slideshow could show a slideshow for the previously played file instead of the currently playing file.
7. Fixed: The Send To mode 'Add (shuffle remaining)' did not work logically when playback was stopped.
8. Changed: The Tag Action Window's vertical scroll position is preserved when zooming in on a list-type field like Keywords, and then returning.
9. Fixed: Editing the last field in the Tag Action Window would not automatically move the scrollbar down to ensure the edit control was visible.

15.0.47 (5/19/2010)

1. Changed: Updated DCRaw to latest, including patch for Canon T2i / 550D support.
2. Changed: Added a the most common raw image types to the default list of types acquired with the 'Camera' Action Window.
3. Changed: The default ripping mode is now 'Secure' (can be changed in Options > CD & DVD)
4. Changed: The default ripping encoder is 'Monkey's Audio (APE)' instead of 'Windows Media'.  [Thanks, Matt!]
5. Fixed: Formatting text in a note could result in mismatched tag pairs in the HTML, causing the note to be discarded.
6. Changed: When embedding artwork in WMA tags, the image is flagged as 'Front album cover' instead of 'Other'.
7. Fixed: Viewing 'Notes' could create extra root library views that would appear in the navigation menu when the tree was hidden. (must visit 'Notes' one time for cleanup to occur)
8. Fixed: The Flickr upload dialog could overflow with some font sizes.
9. Changed: List-type fields with a user-specified list of acceptable values did not allow setting multiple values to a single file.
10. Changed: When syncing changes from a client back to a Library Server, the server will update the tags for any changed files.
11. Fixed: When changing a rating in the Tag Action Window, the other fields could go away until a size / scroll.
12. Fixed: If a star rating was clicked while editing a field in the Tag Action Window, the changes to the in-place edit would be discarded.
13. Fixed: Using WASAPI exclusive output with certain DACs to play HDTV or other video could cause a crash when starting playback.
14. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks Bytestar & Daniel2k).

15.0.46 (5/18/2010)

1. Fixed: DLNA streaming with MP3 conversion enabled was not working properly.
2. Changed: Moved 'Library Server Client' options to 'Network' options page.
3. Fixed: Possible sporadic crashes (only applies to last few builds).
4. NEW: Video subtitle option "Show subtitle only if selected subtitle language is different from audio language".

15.0.45 (5/17/2010)

1. Changed: Improved threading, messaging, and cancelling for 'Lookup Movie Info From Wikipedia...' tool.
2. Changed: Enabled up / down keyboard navigation to switch images when zoomed in on an image in 'Image Preview' mode.
3. Fixed: Auto-complete was not working properly for non-list fields that used semi-colon delimitation in their values.
4. Fixed: In a network with a lot of DLNA devices and Library Server connections, zones could get reflected multiple times (i.e. zone with a name There: Jim: There: Jim: Speakers)
5. Optimized: Improved performance when connected to a Library Server.
6. Optimized: DLNA and Library Server zones that are not active are no longer queried across the network to keep their playback state fresh. (could have third-party SDK implications if plugins are trying to display status of non-active remote zones)
7. Optimized: Improved performance of loading images from a server.
8. Fixed: MP3 files purchased from the Performer Store could fail to play over Library Server.

15.0.44 (5/14/2010)

1. Fixed: Quick Find of cover art would not always work properly.
2. Changed: Revised how a Library Server client specifies audio conversion in Options > Libraries & Folders. (uses new encoder profiles that builds on more sophisticated conversion engine of v15)
3. NEW: When controlling DLNA devices, playback will advance between tracks even if the device is not sending subscription events properly.

15.0.43 (5/14/2010)

1. Fixed: List style tagging in the Action Window was not working (only applies to build 42).
2. Fixed: When in a library view, the locate commands would not work.
3. Fixed: Using UNC paths for the handheld conversion cache did not work nicely.
4. Changed: Improved compatibility with Kernel Streaming 24-bit audio to Bel-Canto and other similar DACs.
5. Changed: Disabled 32-bit floating point output support for Kernel Streaming -- most (all?) cards claim to support it, and then treat the data as 32-bit integers so the sound is heavily distorted.

15.0.42 (5/13/2010)

1. Fixed: DLNA server wasn't reporting resolution for images when converting/shrinking.
2. Fixed: DVD video discs would not get recognized under certain conditions.
3. Optimized: Many improvements to help performance when dealing with list type fields like Keywords, Actors, etc.
4. Optimized: The Tag Action Window for list type fields is several orders or magnitude faster.
5. Changed: Reverted launcher back to Windows program as console program caused issues for some users.
6. Changed: Import system will still import zero-byte .txt, .log, and .dat files; other types of zero byte files are still ignored.
7. Internal: Auto-import will remove files with no filename that are in the 'previously removed' database location. (cleanup for possible bug from years past)
8. NEW: Add support for different conversion sizes for images in the DLNA server options.
9. Fixed: Web Media view header buttons could cause a crash.

15.0.41 (5/12/2010)

1. Changed: Added command MCC_QUERY_UI_MODE (32000) to allow querying the user interface mode of the program from a batch file.
2. Changed: MC15.exe is a console application so it's easier to use in batch files or with other scripting.
3. Changed: MC15.exe /MCC will exit the process with the result of the call. (so in a batch file, %ERRORLEVEL% will be the result after a call)
4. Fixed: MP3 encoding was always using a default configuration of VBR 160kpbs (last several builds only).
5. Internal: Consolidated file naming used by YouTube! Podcasts so they match WebMedia file naming. (i.e. webmedia://youtube/[id] instead of youtube://[id])
6. Fixed: Streaming FLV files could fail to play in some cases.
7. Changed: The import system will ignore zero byte files.
8. NEW: Added 'Collapse All' choice to the right-click menu for a pane. (only shows for list style fields that support nesting)
9. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks to Bytestar and Daniel_2k).
10. Optimized: Numerous improvements to help performance with list-style fields, especially when there are huge numbers of values used. (ie. a database with 50,000 actors, etc.)

15.0.40 (5/11/2010)

1. Fixed: When decoding non 16-bit audio data, up to 0.006 seconds of silence could be unnecessarily appended to the end.
2. Fixed: ASIO playback for 32-bit integer style cards had a possible overflow (only applies to last few builds).
3. Changed: Stock smartlists will dynamically change names with language changes (stock smartlists will be updated / recreated as a result)
4. Fixed: At the file list level with WebPlay, the last item in the list would not be shown.
5. Fixed: When a ripped DVD and the associated cover art was on a drive that was temporarily removed, Media Center could disassociate with the broken cover art link. (it should only disassociate with a broken cover art link if the media file is available and the art is not available)
6. Fixed: Pressing Ctrl+F in an image or video library view could switch to Audio. (remember that Ctrl+E will focus the search box in any view)
7. Fixed: CUE parser was not properly loading the playback range of the last track.
8. NEW: Added ASIO option for channel swapping C/LFE with SL/SR during surround sound playback. (needed with Creative and possibly other cards)
9. Fixed: MC could crash in JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow filters) when it failed to load an output plug-in (such as ASIO) in a worker thread.
10. Changed: Updated splash screen no longer says 'beta'.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2010, 02:34:54 pm »

Should ctrl+f search from the root of the category (e.g. Audio)?
I see no difference between ctrl+f and ctrl+e now. They both search only from the selected sub view.

Is this by design or a bug?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2010, 07:57:21 pm »

I get a DVD playback error with this build.  No problems playing any other type of video.  Looks like a MS popup telling me to get Intervideo, and then details tab says I don't have a dvd decoder.  I've been playing my dvd rips with MC for years.  I can manually play the .ifo file (with MC) in my video_ts folder, but not via MC.  Please advise.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2010, 01:33:55 pm »

i have two views, on the second view is playing now. I have lock this view.
When i change the library all views change to the start-view.
I must first unlock view two, change to playing now, and lock the view.
when i change the library it's the same procedure.
Is it so, or is the lock function not ok.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2010, 07:16:02 pm »

BUG: 'File Type' assosiations are not persistent.
VER: JRMC15 15.0.49


1. Tools -> Options -> File Types
2. Enable File Assosiation for a extesion not enabled before (.CUE in my case)
3. Click Ok button
4. Close JRMC15 (Alt+F4)
5. Open JRMC15
6. Tools -> Options -> File Types

EXPECTED: .CUE extension enabled
ACTUAL   : .CUE extension disabled


Windows 7 64-bit Enterprise


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2010, 03:37:34 am »

Bug -

After learning last IR command available in list then pressing "Stop Learning" or "OK", MC stops responding and needs to be restarted.


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BUG: Info view update problem in Theater view 15.0.49
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2010, 04:20:16 am »

Hi Jim,

Yesterday with 15.0.46, I had issues with background being an album behind. Now with 15.0.49, the background is fine, and the foreground, ie the tags and cover art stays on the previous album. I have not waited for a third track to play to see if it still does not refresh after a second new track, but there is obviously a bug here.  FYI I was playing my client computer.

EDIT: I have also noticed a couple of things:
1/ If I progress to the next track MANUALLY, the back and foregrounds update as expected...
2/ the album covers DO change automatically with each new track when in CTRL-3 display view


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2010, 02:58:37 pm »

Right clicking on a playlist in the tree and clicking unlock unlocks the currently selected playlist rather than the playlist right clicked.

jack wallstreet

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cover art "get from internet" inconsistency of adding to tags
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2010, 04:14:36 pm »

15.0.49 - but I think also previous versions of 15

I use the option "also store image in the file's tag.  I also store cover art separately in a single dedicated cover art folder

I just added about 10 albums by importing the files (no cover art).  Although MC found most of the cover art automatically, I highlighted all 10 albums and did a "get from internet" so I could pick what I wanted.  I then updated.  Nine of the albums showed the cover art as "inside file" as expected.  One of them showed the dedicated cover art folder as the location, indicating the cover art was not stored in the tags.  I highlighted the files in that album and executed a "update tags from library"  and the cover art was put into the tags and all is good.

I believe it should have put all the cover art in the tags, not just 9 out of 10.  I believe MC15 has been doing that (not putting cover art in tags) intermittantly before, I just wasn't sure.  I can't recall seeing that in MC14, but I can't be sure.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2010, 01:35:57 pm »

i have two views, on the second view is playing now. I have lock this view.
When i change the library all views change to the start-view.
I must first unlock view two, change to playing now, and lock the view.
when i change the library it's the same procedure.
Is it so, or is the lock function not ok.

I've noticed the same and wonder if you could change that logic so that the lock view remains after restarting MC. For me, that makes the locking ability useless because that procedure of unlocking and relocking is annoying.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2010, 04:30:09 pm »

Cool... with the networking capability (WebPlay) that has been added....
I'm sold again! :) Still gotta test it out on the road tho...
I am a happy MC user... since MJ7 .. then I PAID for MC12... and now... finally.. I guess it's time to PAY again for the 3rd time....

I'm gonna have to play with this a bit more and see what it does on my DLNA TV too :)
Anybody ever point an HP MediaSmart TV (or MediaSmart COnnect) device to MC15?


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2010, 05:02:03 pm »

In Theater View, when you select a song, the second roller now only stores one recently used command. In older releases they were two, but recently one of the two commands is always "Play All".


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2010, 03:04:08 am »

making a preset for a file list layout does not work correctly. when you change the columns and make a preset the changes are not stored in the new preset. when you go to an other view before making the preset and go back, and then make the preset, it saves the layout as it should.
that is partly what these two dutch topics are about :



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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2010, 07:55:34 pm »

I'm gonna have to play with this a bit more and see what it does on my DLNA TV too :)
Anybody ever point an HP MediaSmart TV (or MediaSmart COnnect) device to MC15?

Would be nice to have FOLDER view in the DLNA lists, so I could navigate my video or Picture content by folder rather than the stop options avaiable...

Also.. any way to change the DLNA Server name --- from Genric DLNA Server?


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refresh in INFO view in Theater Mode
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2010, 11:28:14 am »


More about the refresh bug in Theater mode...

"Playing Now" updates correctly,but "Info" view does not (and sadly for me, I prefer Info where track, comment etc are visible and artwork is to the right side so you can better see the background images)

Please fix INFO view in Theatre mode  :)



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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Unable to Rip CD to Network Drive (NAS)
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2010, 10:06:05 pm »

For the first time in a while, I'm trying to rip a new CD.  I've tried on two computers, both running MC15, and both produce the same error, "Unknown error from the encoder".  I've tried changing encoders from MP3 to OGG to WMA.  All produce the same error.  Both machines are Win7/x64 with Intel Core2/Quad CPUs.  These were different drives (NEC & ASUS), different RAM (4GB and 8GB), different HDD, motherboards, graphics cards, and CPU speeds.  So it doesn't seem like a system or hardware issue.

I generally rip to a network share (NAS) since that is the location of my .  If I change the destination from the NAS to a local drive, the rip is successful.  This appears to be a general failure/problem in MC15.0.49 when ripping to a network drive.  I do not have a high latency to my NAS (gigabit network and short length). 

I don't know when this issue was introduced, but it is definitely present in 15.0.49.  I hope it can be fixed soon, since ripping to a temporary location, purging the library, copying to a new location, and finally re-importing is pretty inconvenient.

Has anyone else seen this or is able to reproduce?  I don't see any other statements about this kind of issue...


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2010, 10:16:38 pm »

New DAC, EMU 0202, on my office PC, and when playing a 192kHz file via WASAPI from local disk, when I try to stop playback, MC hangs/crashes.

Playback is fine, but it seems like MC just freaks on this 5000kbps file when trying to stop it.

JRservice and JRMC15 remain running as processes and only JRservice can be killed.

Windows 7 x64.



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Re: refresh in INFO view in Theater Mode
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2010, 11:50:53 am »


More about the refresh bug in Theater mode...

"Playing Now" updates correctly,but "Info" view does not (and sadly for me, I prefer Info where track, comment etc are visible and artwork is to the right side so you can better see the background images)

Please fix INFO view in Theatre mode  :)

im seeing the same. the list from playing now has been broken for a long time now, the info has joined.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2010, 11:49:57 pm »

WASAPI playback has always been unstable on MP14+ and other players. Might work on one computer, but not the other.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2010, 06:39:36 am »

WASAPI playback has always been unstable on MP14+ and other players. Might work on one computer, but not the other.
We don't often hear of problems with WASAPI. 


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Unable to Rip CD to Network Drive (NAS)
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2010, 06:26:12 am »

For the first time in a while, I'm trying to rip a new CD.  I've tried on two computers, both running MC15, and both produce the same error, "Unknown error from the encoder".
Has anyone else seen this or is able to reproduce?  I don't see any other statements about this kind of issue...

I'm trying to convert an existing M4A track and am having similar problems.
I was eventually successful converting to MP3, but had a number of failures that retrying again and again managed to overcome.
I also tried APE and WMA, both of which consistently failed.


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Re: Media Center 15.0.49 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2010, 07:51:14 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 15.  Please post bugs here. 

Playlists on nokia phones don't seem to work - are playlists supported for all devices or why doesn't jrmc create the files?;topicseen#new


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Sort Bug?
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2010, 12:08:36 am »

I created a by Genre sort under sort options in album view. When using the option it does not sort correctly. MC makes a meager effort, meaning, it takes a few albums (10-20 or so) and sorts them alphabetically (as specified). Unfortunately it takes only one or a few from some of the genres, and then starts over again with another small batch.

Example: 25 genres and 2000 cds. The first few albums might be

2 Alternative Rock
1 Baroque
7 Classical
3 Folk
2 Jazz
2 Modern
4 Rock

That leaves about 1980 cds, Another group follows similar to the above and so on. -Chris

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