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Author Topic: Window not reponding to standard Windows Messages [solved by reboot]  (Read 1873 times)


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I use Girder for remote control and I am having a problem with MC15 (15.0.46) on my test/dev machine that is not present on my stable "live" home media machine which still runs MC14. Both run Windows 7.

I can no longer control the window using Windows messages. I don't do much of this - really only Stop, Minimize and Maximize. And I know I can implement the Stop with other mechanisms, but I can't find a way to Minimize and Maximize the MC15 window.

Without needing to setup Girder, the best way to demonstrate the problem is with Process Explorer (if you haven't got it, download from, which is a Microsoft site). View the list of processes, and with a right click try to minimize or maximize the Media Center process. This works for MC14, but not for MC15. I am guessing that this failure is another occurrence of the problem that stops my Girder working.

Any ideas?
Is this a bug, or a consequence of a design change?
Is there another way to control the state of the MC15 window?



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Re: Window not reponding to standard Windows Messages
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2010, 03:29:47 am »

View the list of processes, and with a right click try to minimize or maximize the Media Center process.

I don't know what bearing this has on your problem, but this works fine for me.


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Re: Window not reponding to standard Windows Messages
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2010, 05:04:34 am »


I rebooted and it works now. Must have been a Windows 7 glitch. Won't have been MC15 as I restarted that several times.

Sorry to have bothered you - thanks for trying it for me



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You're not alone on this one .... I've seen the same issue with Girder/MC15.

Every time I upgrade the version of MC on one of my machines MC doesn't respond to my Girder commands until I reboot the machine.


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Every time I upgrade the version of MC on one of my machines MC doesn't respond to my Girder commands until I reboot the machine.

That must be annoying. Have you tried restarting Girder and any service it may be running?


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ive seen it one or two time since mc 11 that girder does not respond after an upgrade of mc. which is not bad in my book. are you guys using grunt (i do)?
i must add that im oldfasion, and turn off my machines at night. but mostly i upgrade in the morning (being european and so on..  8)).



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That must be annoying. Have you tried restarting Girder and any service it may be running?
I did try that, and it made no difference. But now I know, it's no big deal. When I upgrade MC I shall always reboot.

And I don't turn mine off at night - this is the house media system. I have logged 9 weeks between reboots on occasion, but usually there is a reason to restart before then :)


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And I don't turn mine off at night - this is the house media system. I have logged 9 weeks between reboots on occasion, but usually there is a reason to restart before then :)
:) i realize that my response could have been red the way i did not meant it to be. that turning of was just a side note.. but are you using grunt, if that could make a difference? and also, could it be that there might be different ways to program girder (there are  :P) and some give problems  ?
was just wondering if there would be something that could tackle the problem you are seeing..
guess a restart is not a bad one.  8)



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.. but are you using grunt, if that could make a difference? and also, could it be that there might be different ways to program girder and some give problems  ?
was just wondering if there would be something that could tackle the problem you are seeing..
guess a restart is not a bad one.
Thanks for the pointers gab.

I hadn't come across grunt, and I'm not yet stable and ready enough for that yet. The design is still evolving. This is a re-work of my six-year-old HTPC design to allow me to use my iPhone as a control in place of the NetRemote WiMo that I need to retire. It is going well so far, but the HTPC world has moved on significantly since my first design and build, so there is a lot of new stuff (like grunt and WebRemote) to learn about. My aim is to get something working quickly. I'll worry about perfection later :)

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