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Author Topic: Library Issue - two libs seem merged into one [Solved - permissions issue]  (Read 2364 times)


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Something odd has happened with my move to V15. Let me set the stage - I have two main called Music (located @ \\SERVER\Music) and one called Mobile Music (located at \\SERVER\Mobile Music).

These two locations are on the server and are unique folders with unique content - one lossless for home playback - the other contains MP3s only for syncing our iPods and for listening as well. Each location has a folder called "Library Files" - which stores the actual files MC uses to display the content, playlists etc etc.  Each is listed a separate entry (or so I thought) under Library Manager.

The issue appeared recently following a complete migration to Windows 7 on all local workstations. Prior to the rebuild - I backed up each library via Library Manager - then I installed v15 and restored. To my surprise - when I restored what I thought was the single backup for \\SERVER\Music...all the "Settings" or something for \\SERVER\Mobile Music came along during the restore and do appear correctly in library manager.

However - now when I have something playing from the library \\SERVER\Music on my machine - and wife attempts to load the \\SERVER\Mobile Music library - which should be a separate standalone library to her machine - we are getting a "library is in read-only" mode message every time.

It almost as if my backup of the \\SERVER\Music library - backed up ALL the libraries, locations, files etc and now any time my machine is up and accessing the lossless lib - the other one complains about read only.

Any ideas on how to get these two to behave as separate entities with NO ties whatsoever?




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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2010, 11:34:09 am »

Can you provide a screenshot of how library manager looks now?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2010, 11:43:04 am »

Can you provide a screenshot of how library manager looks now?

I would but I do not think I can upload any images...I have no upload options...?


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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2010, 11:46:04 am »

you'll need to host the picture somewhere else like photobucket or picasa, then click the "insert image" button here on the forum reply window.  Paste in the url to the photo.


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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2010, 11:58:55 am »'s the Library dialog...



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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2010, 12:09:30 pm »

Well, they are definitely separate libraries.
I think I may know what happened...
When I installed MC15 for the first time, it started to run auto-import, with a timeout that you can cancel within a certain period of time.  If you failed to cancel, then it imported all content it could find.

So, make sure that auto-import is disabled first of all.

Load the WHS music library, then go to File > Library > Restore library.
Choose the zip file for your backup up that library from MC14.

If that works and weeds out the mobile files from displaying, then go to library manager and load the mobile library.
Perform same steps to restore the mobile library from MC14.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2010, 12:21:25 pm »

Well, they are definitely separate libraries.
I think I may know what happened...
When I installed MC15 for the first time, it started to run auto-import, with a timeout that you can cancel within a certain period of time.  If you failed to cancel, then it imported all content it could find.

So, make sure that auto-import is disabled first of all.

Load the WHS music library, then go to File > Library > Restore library.
Choose the zip file for your backup up that library from MC14.

If that works and weeds out the mobile files from displaying, then go to library manager and load the mobile library.
Perform same steps to restore the mobile library from MC14.

Couple commentss:

1. I shut off Auto Import within one second of startup - whether it's a new install or whatever. It never runs and I make sure of that.

2. My MC14 backups were from a month ago - so there is no way I am going to taint the environment now by restoring those old ones. I have had a ton of changes since those were last taken. I was hoping for some guidance on how to separate the two as of this minute....if possible?



Alex B

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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2010, 12:30:52 pm »

Do you have only the "lock" issue or also other problems? I.e. do the two libraries load correctly and have the correct contents when only one client instance is running?
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2010, 12:41:50 pm »

If the content of the two libraries occupy two completely different folders you can create a viewscheme that focuses on the path field.  Load the remote library and sort on that path field and delete everything not in the mobile path.
Load the non-remote library and repeat, deleting all items from the other folder path.


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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2010, 12:48:13 pm »

Do you have only the "lock" issue or also other problems? I.e. do the two libraries load correctly and have the correct contents when only one client instance is running?

This is getting most interesting now. I loaded \\SERVER\Music on my workstation using V15...then went to another and loaded the same using v14 and I get no read only messages. Then when I exit out of all libraries on all workstations and log into my wife's machine and try to open \\SERVER\Mobile Music in v15 - I get a read only message from her location...but no one is using anything?


1. Should I not see a read only message when I attempt to open \\SERVER\Music on two different boxes?
2. Obviously there is a problem on my wife's machine since she gets read only ALL the time.
3. Can I delete the library path reference from Library Manager on my wife's machine - without wrecking the actual library files in the \\SERVER\Mobile Music location?

This one is most odd.....




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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2010, 12:55:22 pm »

Check the shortcut on your wife's machine and make sure it doesn't have /LibraryReadOnly as part of the command line.

Check the library folder for a file called lock.jmd.  It shouldn't exist when noone is using the library.
If it still exists, it could be that your file permissions are too restrictive and the O/S isn't allowing MC to delete it when MC tries to.

You can safely delete the reference to the library on the wife's computer.  It won't actually delete the library files.


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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2010, 01:05:23 pm »

Check the shortcut on your wife's machine and make sure it doesn't have /LibraryReadOnly as part of the command line.

No issues here....

Check the library folder for a file called lock.jmd.  It shouldn't exist when no one is using the library. If it still exists, it could be that your file permissions are too restrictive and the O/S isn't allowing MC to delete it when MC tries to.

No lock file out there when no one is connected to that lib.

You can safely delete the reference to the library on the wife's computer.  It won't actually delete the library files.

Awesome...that was the big one that I was afraid of.

More info - my wife's machine gets a read-only message even when switching to her local (defauly/blank) library entry that's created when the app is installed.

I think a re-install on her machine is required....

EDIT: Found the issue. It was a rights issue on the server...I had her acct set to Read on the Mobile Music share....doh!

Problem solved.

Thanks all.



PS: At least I learned how to post screen caps now....:)


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Re: Strange Library Issue - two libs seem >merged" into one
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2010, 01:20:10 pm »

Ha ha, I called it...permissions.
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