Hi gang. I've never done anything like this, but the new WebEtc features of MC15 had me tinkering away on fine-tuning the WebRemote interface so it was more useful for me on my iTouch, using Safari.
I haven't tested this on any other devices, so I have no idea what the layout will look like on those platforms - presumably it'll work fine on the iPhone too.
All I've done is gone into the html and css files and tweaked the values and gifs so the layout suits my usage patterns better.
Tweaks:Shrunk the fonts all over the map.
Reordered the sections on the Playing Now page.
Adjusted the spacing and general layout of things so they're still easy to select despite the tiny font-sizes.
Made general little tweaks to the look of things for simple appeal and legibility - ie: so that the most useful aspects of Playing Now all fit on one screen with no scrolling.

Grab it if you like, and put it into effect like so:
1. BACK UP this folder somewhere: Program Files/J River/Media Center 15/Data/WebRemote/Default
2. Unzip this file to replace your now backed up Default folder:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R2QB3YH5Sometime soon I'll dig into the WebPlay interface and make similar tweaks and post it in this thread.