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Author Topic: Changing PC Name Forces New Install Registration  (Read 1298 times)


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Changing PC Name Forces New Install Registration
« on: June 17, 2010, 09:42:11 am »

JimH since I saw your post regarding changing the PC name here and it confirmed what happened to me last night I thought it deserved a post of its own.

I did not see this on the FAQ of the registration page (not that I really read it before I renamed my PC) but think it should added to the FAQ for others. Changing the name of a PC forces you to use one of your install keys. Not a problem if you have a good mjr file in the 14 day window.

I discovered this the hard way last night and am down to 6 remaining and getting a little nervous since I still have all most an entire year before it gets reset. Normally it is not a problem for me as I load on 4-5 PCs at home and 1-2 at work. I always have to reload OS one time a year do to clutter my kids put on them and did that this weekend. So I should be able to make it. I have been nonchalant in the use of the mjr file or the web registraton evidently since I still have 6 left and just reloaded two operating systems this weekend. Guess I have to do the rest in 10d. Unfortunately do to my ignorance I generated a new mjr last night not thinking to dig the one from my trash bin from the OS reload last weekend.

I have used the mjr file but didn't quite understand the difference of using it vs the web page and that the mjr if used in the 14d does not decrement against your install limit. So it has been a good learning experience for me. I will be using the mjr file when I am reconfiging my PCs so I do not use up all my installs. I had planned to postpone my renaming of the PCs for a while but now have to do it and reload some operationing systems in the next 14 days. Probably go with generic names since relocating from the game room to the living room is what made me want to change the names to be descriptive of location.

Hope others can learn from this.


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Re: Changing PC Name Forces New Install Registration
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 09:47:27 am »

You can extend your license by using the 30 day trial before restoring.

If you run out, let us know.  We can reset the count of restores.


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Re: Changing PC Name Forces New Install Registration
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 10:07:58 am »

I noticed this too. I renamed PCs in both my living room and bedroom and now I too am down to 6 restores remaining. This is a MC14 license for what it's worth. I do find it odd though that it forces updated registration if the computer name changes.


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Re: Changing PC Name Forces New Install Registration
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 10:22:19 am »

Yep Steve hope this helps others. I could use my MC14 for not critical use like at work or on PCs that I am not using Webremote or MC15 features.

Thanks for the offer Jim, I hope I can manage now that I understand the use of the MJR file.

I will have to think about how to use the 30 day trial if I do not finish the reconfig and naming project in the next 10 days or change my mind about how to name the PCs after my 14day mjr. I built an X4 and was using naming based on PC location so this has tripped me up a little as I had temporarily named the X4 as OfficeX4 because the Office PC is now in the game room and the game room in the living room etc and was going to go back and rename them. Using names not based on location like greek gods or godesses , or other proper names that are easy to remember will solve this for me in case I move them around again.
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