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Author Topic: Exporting playlists to .m3u files automatically?  (Read 2146 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Exporting playlists to .m3u files automatically?
« on: June 22, 2010, 05:52:17 pm »

Is there a way to export certain playlists to .m3u files automatically, say, once a week or something? If not, I think this would be a really nice feature to add. You could sync them manually. Or have it update them automatically. Sometimes I just want to double click an m3u file on my desktop and have MC start playing it shuffled in display view :)


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Re: Exporting playlists to .m3u files automatically?
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2010, 08:05:14 pm »

If it's of any use to you, I have a Perl script that'll do this. It was written to export a TOC & playlists for an Audiotron, but you could ignore the Audiotron part and just use the playlists. It might be a little tricky to set up, but it's pretty flexible. You can use the Windows scheduler to run it regularly.

I'd be happy to share it with anyone interested.


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Re: Exporting playlists to .m3u files automatically?
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2010, 07:12:04 am »

you can silently export all playlists with mc15.exe/MCC 20004,1

you also have a scheduler built in MC



  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Exporting playlists to .m3u files automatically?
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2010, 09:06:41 am »

Thanks. I love the power of Media Center, though i frequently think I need to take a programming class to use a lot of it.

For what it's worth, I really wish there was a class I could take on J River. A Saturday afternoon woul dbe well spent if I could actually learn the ins and outs of the software. Doing simple things like playing files, editing fields, syncing a handheld, etc ais very easy, but some of the features that set MC apart from other software can be tricky to use, even with the wiki, forum, etc.

But organizing theater view the way I want, or getting all the view schemes set the way I want can be very difficult!

I read the wiki article and see the export playlists function. But how do I actually do it? Do I really have to download a .h file and change code? From a programmer's perspective, this is great, efficient, etc. But to 95% of end users, myself included, it is such a daunting task, it seems easier to just not worry about it.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: Exporting playlists to .m3u files automatically?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2010, 11:51:05 am »

I still don't understand. I go to the scheduler and I'm going to sync all my playlists at 4am each day.

For program I assume I select MC14.exe in the system32 directory. What about for argument? What goes there? Where do I specify where to export them? What if I want to just export certain playlists? There's a different core command for that, but I don't know how to specify which playlist(s) to export, or where they will be exported to.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: Exporting playlists to .m3u files automatically?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2010, 12:07:43 pm »

like this  :)

if you add ,1 after command 20004, then it will be silent

you can export a single playlist (you have to grab the playlist id) but then you have to add some "click and mouse macros"..and it sort of looses the purpose of silent... export all playlists, they will always hit the database folder so search within  [USER]\Application Data\J River\Media Center 15\Library..

maybe then you can set up a copy command or create a shortcut to the specific playlist and place the shortcurt on the desktop or..else

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