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Author Topic: Backup/restore library settings? Is is normal to restore ALL libraries?  (Read 1708 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I have been putting the backup/restore libraries (and settings) to the test lately with several Windows 7 build now rolled out and I have noticed an odd situation when restoring a single library (and settings to a new install).

I have two main libraries - WHS Music and WHS Mobile Music - which reside on the Windows Home Server. I back up each library using the standard commands and end up with two distinct files.

However -when I reinstalled MC and wanted to get back up to speed fast - I restored my WHS Music library (and settings) first. It successfully did it's thing but when I looked into Library Manager - I see that this restore - also restored my WHS Mobile Music library as well...since it's path now appears in Library Manager.

Now - I am not complaining that everything gets restored - but I was under the impression that doing a library backup - just backed up the library and setting in question for that specific library - not ALL of them. I can see this being a problem at some point if I had say - 7 library paths on an old install but only wanted two on a new install.

Also - this restore seems to link my restored data to the DEFAULT library that is created upon install. Is this the way it's supposed to be. I was confused by the restore process taking my backup, restoring it and then visually leaving me in the defualt library - which I want to be totally blank -as it is at first startup.

I guess I am totally misunderstanding the library concept here - as I believed each library (path, settings etc) was a distinct entity and would be restored as such. However - the way this restore just pulls all this backup material into the default library makes it is strangely confusing....

Perhaps a view from dev would help me understand this a bit more....




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Hi VP,

My understanding is that when you restore a library it will restore it into the library you currently have open.

So if you have the default library open (as you would on a new install) and then restore WHS Music, then your default library is now WHS Music.  So then just go into library manager and rename it to WHS Music.

If you want to restore another library, you need to create a new one first, open it and then do the restore.

The reason you got both libraries restored will be because you restored the settings as well, and your settings would have included your library definitions pointing to your libraries on the WHS.




  • Citizen of the Universe
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My understanding is that when you restore a library it will restore it into the library you currently have open.

That is unfortunate - and in my mind - a poor design or programming decision. The entire library concept - as I understand it - should be like containers - each library has it's own unique attributes , paths, settings and so on.

So if you have the default library open (as you would on a new install) and then restore WHS Music, then your default library is now WHS Music.  So then just go into library manager and rename it to WHS Music.

Well - what it should do is - restore the WHS Music library as it's own entity and leave the default (currently blank) library completely alone. I do not want the attributes of the WHS Music library (or any other library) to pollute the default library or vice versa. When I actually switch libraries via the File->Library process - I was under the assumption that I was actually switching "containers" and the interface should react based upon the setting of the library loaded.

Even better - upon a new install - at first startup - there should be a dialog presented that offers several choices:

1. Create a new default library
2. Restore an existing backup and make it the new default library

This would make me very happy in that I have no use for the default and would rather just have Library Manager be populated with my current restored libraries.

If you want to restore another library, you need to create a new one first, open it and then do the restore.

That makes no sense.  I shouldn't have to "create" anything on a restore. The restore itself should "create" the restored entity and place it on the Library menu. Then I can switch to it and presumably have all of it's unique attributes load up.

The reason you got both libraries restored will be because you restored the settings as well, and your settings would have included your library definitions pointing to your libraries on the WHS.

Yep. I get that part now. I would like to make a suggestion that this be changed. Each "library" - ESPECIALLY when being backed up - with settings or without - should act as a standalone container that does not jump boundaries or attach itself to any open library. This could be a disaster if one took a backup that had 10 libraries with hundreds of settings and restored that to an install - thinking that only a single library would be coming in.

The backup routine itself even uses the name of the library being backed up - but as I have seen...backing up a specific one drags along ALL the settings and attributes of every library - which should be clearly spelled out via the interface.



Alex B

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The library location and its "friendly" name that is displayed in the UI are independent from the database contents.

MC has always restored a library backup file to the active library, replacing the entire contents with the restored contents.

When more than one library is restored the libraries must be created first. MC needs to have a defined name and library files location for each library to be restored.

You may have the old library paths available on the server, but MC cannot assume that. The restore process must work even when the old libary paths are not possible.

If you want to add old existing library locations to a new MC instance the restore process is not needed. You can simply add new libraries and point them to the existing library files locations.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


  • Citizen of the Universe
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The library location and its "friendly" name that is displayed in the UI are independent from the database contents.

Good to know.

MC has always restored a library backup file to the active library, replacing the entire contents with the restored contents.

That was the point of my original question. My restore is restoring two complete libraries to the active (defualt) library - instead of just the one I thought I backed up....

When more than one library is restored the libraries must be created first. MC needs to have a defined name and library files location for each library to be restored.

I am sorry - I do not understand this part. You mean I need to create a library called WHS Music then set the path to the library files (which BTW - are out on the server - so everyone accessing the library gets the same view) and then restore my backup of WHS Music? What will that do - that it doesn't do already?

You may have the old library paths available on the server, but MC cannot assume that. The restore process must work even when the old libary paths are not possible.

Agreed - however - that could easily be handed with an error check. Upon the restore - if the target path does not exist - MC should tell the user that it does not and then either instruct them to ensure the path is available/recreated or offer the user the option to create a new library/path.

If you want to add old existing library locations to a new MC instance the restore process is not needed. You can simply add new libraries and point them to the existing library files locations.

Except that I will lose all my settings? Yes or no?

In my case - WHS Music actually points to \\SERVER\Music\Library Files - where all the various MC items are stored - like they would be in a local install. Are you saying that I can just set a path in Library Manager to be \\SERVER\Music\Library Files and MC will pick up all my settings/preferences...and so on? I thought that kinda stuff was stored in the registry?

Would love to get some more insight on this.



Alex B

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If you enabled the "restore settings" setting MC restored also the list of libraries (the library names and locations are stored in the Windows registry).

If the library (=database) files are available in the old locations you can simply restore an empty default library (or create a new dummy library and restore it) in order to make the old library list available again.

The actual library database files on the server will be accessed as before (only when they are loaded). There is no need to replace them with the files from a backup archive.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


  • Citizen of the Universe
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If you enabled the "restore settings" setting MC restored also the list of libraries (the library names and locations are stored in the Windows registry).

Alex...thanks again for the insight...but then I am not clear on exactly "restore settings" does.

In my example - let's take the WHS Music library for example. Within this library - I have a boatload of custom fields. I have the Convert Audio processor set to a specific codec and a specific location to encode to. I have a number of paths and preferences for auto-import. I have certain settings for playback, what items to show on the tree and on and on...

Are you saying that all this stuff is sitting out on the server in the \\SERVER\Music\Library Files location and I merely have to point a dummy library entry at it and I am good to go?

Conversely - my WHS Mobile Music library (also on the server with it's own unique "library files" folder) has a completely different set of preferences, settings and UI enhancements...are you saying all of it's unique attributes are actually out on the server in that Library Files directory?

Or is all of this juicy stuff stored in the registry either by a bulk restore or written fresh when a change is made in the application....

Getting more confused by the minute....:)



Alex B

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It isn't complicated.

Everything that is not stored in the "library files location" can be restored when the "Restore settings" option is ticked. This may include some settings that will not apply or work correctly if some of the hardware is too different, but most of the user options will be restored just fine.

The library specific things (file data, library fields, views, playlists, etc) that are stored in the "library files location" will be loaded when the library is loaded in the usual way (assuming MC got a valid library list when the settings were restored).

Actually, there is no need to create a dummy backup file as I said earlier. You can use the latest library backup file from any library and simply tick only the "Restore settings" option:

The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


  • Citizen of the Universe
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The library specific things (file data, library fields, views, playlists, etc) that are stored in the "library files location" will be loaded when the library is loaded.

Actually, there is no need to create a dummy backup file as I said earlier. You can use the latest library backup file from any library and simply tick only the "Restore settings" option:

Awesome! Thanks for the help.


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