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Author Topic: smartlists\genres\rock\ how to customize view to group albums under artist to..  (Read 1748 times)


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make view smaller?

When i goto playlist\smartlist\genres\rock\ it shows all artist under them all there albums and files... can i make it so my view is smaller and it will only show the artists? or better yet alphabet\A-Z then i could click on the letter i want, then get to my ARTIST and ALBUM Immediatelly?  it takes me forever to scroll and up scroll backscroll to find a certain album, and start playback from there.

Thanks for Any Tips :)

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Playlists can only be displayed as a "filelist" type view. Create an Audio view that has the same Rules for file display as your smartlist, or add the rule Playlists is any [select your smartlist from the drop-down]. Then configure the view as you please.


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Smartlists can be grouped though ;)

Thanks for Any Tips

I have several custom library fields here, most of them calculated, that I use exclusively for grouping. It's possible to achieve some very creative grouping using this approach. For example, my "Incoming Photos" view scheme is grouped using a calculated library field that is made from the following expression: if(isequal([filename],incoming,8),Not Tagged - formatdate([date,0],yyyy//MM//dd),Finished)

This grouping is applied "Z-A", so that I get my incoming, untagged photos at the top of the list, grouped by date taken, and every other photo is below in a group called finished. For me, this is good because now my keywords pane is populated with all existing photo keywords, making tagging the new ones a breeze.

I prefix all these kind of fields with "vs-" so they stay together in the field list and I know why I created them next time I'm cleaning out the field list.

Something you may want to consider, or not.

Thing is, you talk about "clicking on things" to take you to places in the list, and that is not possible. Does the playlist\smartlist\genres\ level contain a smartlist for each genre?
If the answer is yes, consider creating a view, as suggested by rick above, but instead of filtering by "rules for file display", add the "genres" playlist group as the first pane in your view, and then add an artist pane, grouped by 1 to give you letters, an ungrouped artist pane to give you artists, and an album pane.
Now click in the first pane to choose a genre, then filter that genre by artist, and then the files should come to you rather than you chasing after them :)


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